We live our lives, holding on to the truth we know and not sharing it, forgetting that everyday, millions of people land in Hell forever because we did not share the gospel with them.
They did not know that they needed to live a Holy life to find eternal life.
Many people believe their own goodness will save them. Others are deceived by the false churches or religions they belong to.
Jesus desires that ALL men should be saved and that none should perish.
We need to fulfill the great commission of evangelism that our Lord has given us.
Romans 10:14 says, "How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? "
Knowing Jesus is different from knowing about Jesus. Knowing Jesus is having a personal relationship with Him, spending time in prayer, worship, and reading His word everyday and obeying His word. That's how you get to know Him and He gets to know you. Through spending time with Him you will really know His word and what things grieve Him and how to obey the Lord .
John 17: 3 says, "And this is ETERNAL LIFE , that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. "
During prayer the Lord showed me the Kingdom of Hell from a top view. I saw something like a wall surrounding it but when I saw it in a close up, I saw that it was not a wall at all but queues of people entering Hell from every every entrance possible! The number was so huge that from a distance it looked like a wall!
Then Romans 10:15 flashed in my head, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace who bring glad tidings of good things. "
The Lord also showed me a valley full of people. They were so many that they looked like tiny grains squeezed together so much that there was no space in between them. I saw them marching into an entrance of Hell that was full of liquid fire like a river .
They could hear screams from others as they burnt in the fire but it was like they couldn't stop marching ! They just kept going forward. Here on earth, they couldn't stop doing the things of the world and even in the spirit, they can't stop marching to Hell.
Galatians 6: 7-8 says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life. "
God desperately wants us to evangelise to the world. The bible says we should love our neighbours as ourselves. If we want to be saved, we should want the same for others. Jesus said, "Don't judge someone by saying, 'I can't evangelise to this person or that person because they are too worldly and can never change. ' He said, "Don't say they can never change. Are you God to know that? Just tell them the word and leave rest to me. I am the one who knows the hearts of men. "
If we do not evangelise, then we too are disobeying the word of the Lord and that will be required from our hands.
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