There are some people who because of the heaviness of the trials they face and because they feel as though God isn’t answering them,they begin to think they should turn to satan to seek answers and salvation from whatever they are facing.
Instead of seeking refuge in Jesus,some people run to consult witches,psychics, mediums,and witch doctors for a solution just because they think the problems they are facing are too much.
I remember some time back someone came to me telling me that God doesn’t answer their prayers and that now they are going to go and consult a medium for their answers.
And this person thought that this ‘threat’ would make God panic to give them an answer to prevent them from going to a medium.
If a person thinks about consulting a witch,it just shows how dark they still are and that they have not yet been born of God’s Spirit.
Even if God was to give you an answer now, when another trial comes you will still rush to a medium.
God’s children know that they have no other hope apart from the Lord their God.
They know that for sure and cannot even think of consulting satan through witches and mediums.
They know that even if God doesn’t answer them at the time they wanted,they cannot turn away from Him because they know for sure He’s the only real God.
We must have the attitude that,”wether He gives us what we want or not He ll still be our only God.”
You must hold on to Jesus no matter what.
Sometimes it seems like you are the only one facing trials,it’s just because you don’t know what other people are going through.All of us face trials which we must overcome.
And through out the trials, even if it may seem like God is so far away,hold on to Him, He’s really close,you must walk by faith.
Hold on to Jesus no matter how much it hurts.
He created you and loves you, and will never allow you to go through anything that will not benefit you.
Even the things that seem bad now,are for your good.
He makes all things to work together for good for those who love Him.
Satan cannot help you.
Going to a medium is inviting problems bigger than what you are facing.
Satan will just blind you to make you think he’s solved your problem,but all he ll do is swap it for a bigger problem.And because your attention was on that problem,you will think he’s helped you,you won’t realize he’s simply swapped it with something bigger.
And you will keep running back to him and he ll keep playing games with you,to keep swapping the problems with worse things till he destroys you.
Only Jesus can save.Jesus loves you,His plans for you are good and not evil,satan can never ever love you.
He hates every human including witches and satanists and all those serving him,he still hates them because they are human and created in God’s image.He only shows them fake love for a while to make them work for him.
Only Jesus is a good Master,good Father and wonderful Friend to His children.
Don’t be overwhelmed,He cares about you.
There are some people who because of the heaviness of the trials they face and because they feel as though God isn’t answering them,they begin to think they should turn to satan to seek answers and sa…
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— May 20, 2022
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