29th February 2020
I have just woken up from an encouraging dream about the rewards of obedience and would like to share it while it is still fresh in my mind.
I was sleeping and I saw the Lord come near my head as I was sleeping and began telling me about a christian who lived a long time ago who persevered for God.
I was aware that I was sleeping and the Lord was in the room but I could not wake up. He began telling me about this christian man but whatever he said was coming to me in form of a dream and I could see everything as a dream.
He was telling me about a man called George Owen who was a child of God and lived in the 1800s.
I have never heard of this man before and I have only known about him today from the dream the Lord was giving me.
I heard the Lord telling me as I slept, "There was a man called George Owen who lived in the 1800s and died in the 1930s. These are the mighty soldiers of God. When God told him, do this, he did it. When God told him go there, he went. He shook heaven and earth with his prayers. He had no compromise whatsoever and was widely known for his firm stance with the things of God."
The Lord was speaking about this man with great pride and as if boasting about his obedience. I could feel great pride and joy in the tone of His voice.
Matthew 10:32-33 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven."
The Lord continued, " This man shook heaven and earth with his prayers due to his obedience and closeness with God and he has been GREATLY HONOURED in heaven. He has been raised on a PEDESTAL of HONOUR. "
Then I saw this man at his family home in the 1800s and I saw some people gathered around a table to eat,but I saw that the man called George Owen was outside the house and not at the table with those eating.
Then I understood that he was a man who had frequent fastings that is why he was not joining them at the table, and he was a man who often secluded himself from others to be with God.
Matthew 14:22-32 Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray."
From the lifestyle that I saw of this man,I saw that he was a man of great sacrifice and that resulted in his extra ordinary closeness with God and hence his extra ordinary obedience to God. He sacrificed his comfort often that is food,sleep, time etc to be with God and to do things for God such as evangelism.
Then the scene of the dream changed and I was at my parents home. I went to the cup board and opened one of the drawers to get a plate out. It was a silver plate. When I got the plate, my elder brother came and said, "Do you know that even George Owen had a plate exactly like this one?"
I was surprised. Everyone in the dream seemed to know about this George Owen.
On the rim of the plate I took out, I saw that it was engraved, "5M" to mean five million. I did not understand what that meant.
Then in the DREAM, I went online and googled the name George Owen and I saw that there was also a video some people had made in our internet age to share his teachings. On the video, it was written "8 Million views."
It was only when I woke up and I was wondering what the figure engraved on the plate meant that I understood it.
Then the scene changed back to my room and I heard the Lord telling me, " The lifestyle of George Owen and the honour he has been given in heaven can be for every child of God. It is for everyone who is willing."
I woke up.
I was perplexed for a few minutes as I was trying to put everything together and I realised that I had been visited by Jesus! I was so happy and the room had a strong feeling of the presence of God that I felt tremors running through my body. I was also excited at the same time and filled with joy! I felt like crying but also like dancing, I did not know what to do!I immediately called my Mother and told her the whole dream and afterwards narrated the whole dream to my Father,then decided to share it here for the children of God worldwide to encourage them.
When I woke up, I kept wondering what that 5 million on the plate meant and then I heard the voice of Jesus telling me, "It stands for souls. Those are the number of souls that were saved in his lifetime through his preaching."
So I then understood that the plate in the dream had not been a physical plate but a spiritual one. We put food on a plate and the word of God is food for the soul.
So the plate that we had in common in the dream stood for the word of God. The 5 million on the plate meant the number of souls that had been saved from his ministry through him sharing the word of God,and God was trying to show us that we too have what he had that is the word of God and can accomplish the salvation of millions through sharing just as he had. We have what he had.
In the dream,I had earlier written that I then went online and saw that some people had made a video of his teachings and it had 8 million views. I then understood that these views did not literally stand for the number of people who had watched, but the number of souls that had been saved through that message shared on the internet.
So God was saying that what people share in person and they share online has the ability to get people saved and both can be used as platforms of evangelism but none of the two should be neglected. One can't say I will not evangelise online because I'm doing so physically or vice versa as both are important. There are people you can't reach physically and so you reach them through the internet and there are people who can't be reached through the internet may be because they do not have phones or laptops but you can reach them physically.
When I finally woke up, I was shocked as I had never heard of this person before. I went on google and typed 'George Owen preacher' and though I do not say I know for sure if it was the same person, the results that came on Wikipedia shocked me.
In the dream, it had indicated that this person was born in the 1800s and died in the 1930s and was an Englishman. There was one result of an English Man named George Vale Owen who lived from 1869 and died in 1931. In the dream,the middle name had not been indicated but only George Owen so I was not told his middle name in the dream.
However with the years being from the 1800s and dying in 1930s as the dream indicated and him being an Englishman, I can not help but wonder if he is the same person. According to Wikipedia, this person was Catholic or something like that but later came out and formed his own church.
Whatever the case,whether he is the one or not,one thing for sure is that people may not know you here on earth but you will be highly exalted in heaven. People these days are concerned about titles and fame but God is only concerned about obedience.
Luke 14:11-13 "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 16:15
And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is HIGHLY ESTEEMED AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD.
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