Kenya’s Attorney General Publishes New Rules to Shut Down Small Churches!

Written by GLOFIRE — January 3, 2016 — 8 comments
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Kenya’s Attorney General Publishes New Rules to Shut Down Small Churches! Kenya’s Attorney General Publishes New Rules to Shut Down Small Churches!
Prophecy Watch January 3, 2016

Kenya’s Attorney General Publishes New Rules to Shut Down Small Churches!

According to the Daily Nation , the government has proposed a raft ... more



Almost nothing surprises you as far as developments go, and impact of them is nonexistent.

Mwangi Kaguku
Mwangi Kaguku

The government of Kenya continues to complicate our constitution. It’s clear, freedom of worship. Does this mean that we can now worship collectively? No idea.

I wonder how, why and under what circumstances I would pay a fine while the constitution gives me a right to worship. My understanding of true worshipping will not be complete without evangelism which Jesus commissioned me to.

Let’s meet two or three and start worshipping. A regulation to have a minimum in a church umbrella is unrealistic. We no longer live in the era of communal practices. Worship in Judea, Samaria, Bethlehem, but in any case keep worshipping.

What of them who get spiritual nourishment from a certain shepherd? Do we lose them ? The Bible is the basic theological training for a Christian,so are Muslims guided by their Holy book.

Are these Sanhedrin’s rules?

Alexander Nyenze Mulemi
Alexander Nyenze Mulemi

The attorney general is misguided. He should have punished those who were found to have committed offences.Churches are registered and the societies act.The attorney general should use that act to bring to book offenders.Churches gave their recommendations on these draft regulations. He should not insist on his way. Because he will be fighting Jesus Christ the founder of the Church. He will either have to get saved like Saul of Tarsus or meet with God’s judgement. He should be counseled to listen to the Church and not to insist on way.

samuel mugo Associate pst
samuel mugo Associate pst

i think its a good idea it will make those people who are opening churches as business to stop and do what is required for them to do am a preacher and i have done a theological course and its good for the government to make sure that people worship in truth and do as the raw requires u to worship and read people but as well let them not use that law to eliminate the pastors and church leaders i think every kenyan citizen who respects the law has his right to live a respective life with respect and dignity


No so bad. Christianity teaches accountability. We should be the first to stand and be counted

peter wambua
peter wambua

muigai is earthly lawyer,not spiritual so he should understand GOD has his way of judgement and has set the time at the end of the world me he should keep off to avoid curse

Dickson Aropu
Dickson Aropu

This is just a wake up call for believers to arise from sleep and seek God more than ever before, Muigai has no power to stop the church but if believers and true worshippers will sleep then the enemy will gain victory over the church. God is not an idle that he will seat back and let a mortal man bring an end to his work in Kenya, but believers have gone on holidays that is why we get this cases coming into place, let all believers arise and seek God from the youngest child to the oldest let them arise and seek God, like it was in Ninever in that days of Jonah. Posting comments targeting a mortal man will help nothing, He maybe a vessel used to awaken the church from slamber. So Muigai is just a man and he has spoken but what is God saying about the situation? Let us seek him to know his answer.


Wow, attractive site. Thnx ..

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