By Nelly Kaaria Wangai
It has been a rough 2 years and 3 months for me. I wasn’t very serious with prayers even though I never missed church. At times I would doze off and sleep during prayers. I was blessed with good health and I was working and a family so I wasn’t complaining.I loved Jesus but I wasn’t serious with church matters
My life was on track or so I thought I was passing all my Accounting exams when most of my friends were re-sitting. Then came year 2012 I had just finished my last exams and I suddenly fell ill. Things changed and I had to first quit job, then I relied on people so much. I couldn’t use public means to travel anymore because of the allergy.
The worst part is doctors couldn’t tell where the problem was. I took so many medications without any change. I never remembered to pray seriously even though I was praying lightly whenever the sickness became too much. I remember I spent January 2013 in bed, the whole of it! Then a close relative of mine introduced me to prayers. She said “this sickness won’t go because you are taking medication, you have to start. Praying seriously”
That’s when I repented my sins and I spoke to my pastor who guided me. During the first prayer session I felt like my left hand was in flames.
I felt better but the pain would move from right chest to left chest and vice versa. I continued with so much medication. Day after day the doctors would change them depending on the lack of progress By then I had started praying seriously. I also started reading the word of God in depth. My body had become so weak I couldn’t even stand for one minute. I would wake up at night to pray. I would read the bible till late. My husband noticed that I had changed. He also changed me. He stopped seeing friends over the weekend and stayed home to read the bible. At this point let me say ‘God changes people’.
The song on “Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” became my favorite to this day. During my prayers the devil was not asleep. He would attack me and block my chest, at times I would lie down like I was dead. But all this time I never thought about death because I knew Jesus wanted me to live. I felt Him near me all the time. Let me now say that while reading the testimony of Angelica that my bro Evans had told me about earlier I saw the name Racheal Mushala. I went to Google and read her testimonies on visions of heaven and hell. Rachael was on Facebook so I contacted her and she has been a blessing since then.
So the day you all (After Prayers from ‘Heaven Citizens’ WhatsApp Group) prayed for me I felt so much fire around my throat and my chest and on the back. After the fire went off I felt well. Every part of me that was aching even the pain that had me using pain balm for years disappeared. Praise Jesus!! Last month I was treated for the pain behind the neck and there was no improvement and finally the doctor told me I can’t find what is ailing you, go pray then you come back after three months’! I want to thank the Lord who is the alpha and omega because since you prayed for me dear brothers and sisters I have not used the pain balm or any other medication.
My chest is so clear and no pains in my tummy, God has proved that He is the one who gives wisdom to the learned (doctors). I will forever serve this Jesus who didn’t let me die or let me down. The bible says that the prayer of a righteous man availed much. Your prayers reached heaven and Jesus Christ son of God answered immediately. I forgot to add that during the stormy times God also gave me a baby girl in March 2014!!!
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