For a long time,I have been gravely worried about the eternal destination of some of my family members who don't live a godly life.
Many times, Satan has always used that to torment me by whispering in my head every time that your brother is going to hell or your sister is going to hell and we're going to deal with them.
Then I shared my worries with the Lord in prayer and this is what the Holy Spirit told me.
I heard clearly in my spirit that the only way we can get our families saved is to PRAY for them and EVANGELISE to them.
It seemed a bit strange to me when I imagined evangelising to my own family members. However the Lord told me that this is the only way they can be saved.
We can not simply rely on praying for them,but we should also share with them the spiritual knowledge that we've come to know.
It would be so sad that everyday, we go out in the streets to share the gospel with complete strangers and yet we can not share the word of God with our own brother, sister mother,father, uncle,aunt or grandparents who are next to us everyday and they perish.
In as much as it may not sound appealing to evangelise to our own family members,it has to be done in order for them to get saved. It is better your relative stops you from evangelising to them on their own than for us to assume that they do not want to be evangelised to and they perish.
The Lord emphasised that prayer and evangelism must go hand in hand and we should not only resort to praying for them.
Hell is horrible. Imagine your family going there when you were with them everyday and had the information which could have led to their salvation but did not share.
All things are possible with God. He is able to save them.
Ezekiel 36:26-27 " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them."
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