Miracle money,praying the Rosary,TB Joshua etc…
"Your word oh Lord is like a fire shut up in my bones.I am tired of holding it in,indeed,I cannot hold it in!"Jeremiah 20:9.
Yesterday,I felt the Holy Spirit so strong in my heart such that it was like a balloon that had reached its maximum and was about to explode! Then I was taken up in the Spirit and I saw the Lord Jesus Christ descending in great brilliance with multitudes of Angels. I was so happy to see him but he said nothing.
He was looking very sad and then he faced down.When he lifted his face,I saw that his eyes were shimmering like one about to cry.
Then he broke out in great sobs and his whole body shook and he fell down crying.
He said,"Daughter,once again I have been put out in open shame.I have been crucified by this generation.They have rejected me.
They say if they lived during the time that I walked on earth,they would have believed that I was the Messiah.They say they wouldn't have disbelieved me like the Pharisees.But I tell you,here I am and they are rejecting me because they ignore what I tell them."
"They drive a knife right through my heart with their blasphemous words against what I tell them through my Servants. With their actions and strange doctrines,they drive a knife through my heart.It hurts I tell you,it hurts! The Lord was hitting his chest with a clenched fist crying.They were flowing continuously with no end.The tears were so many that they began to form small pools of water.
His tears were Crystal clear and I could see the glory of the Lord in them. They were Holy tears!The Lord is so amazing and purely Holy that even his tears are Holy!"
He said,"Just like John the baptist and other Prophets were looked down on,it is happening all over again. People are running to huge and popular things thinking I am there.They are chasing miracles.They have not yet learnt that am a humble God and I work in simplicity.They can not look at the bible and see how unpopular Elijah was along with all my other Prophets ."
"They claim to be worshipping me but when I speak,they can not even recognise my voice.They speak blasphemous against my Holy words and say my servants are possessed by demons.They want to worship in their own way but not in the way I say is right,Proverbs 16:25 says,"There is a way that seems right to man but the end is destruction."
"If they do not want to listen to me when I speak,then I don't know who they think they are worshipping.There is only one way.They think I am found in the world.My way is very hard and narrow.They think they can find me in popular things,let them not forget that I was born in a stable.Let that be an example of my simplicity."
"Daughter,people in Islam,Hinduism and other false religions are crucifying me again.They are saying I do not have the ability to save anyone.They are saying I should be crucified again that they may believe.That is why they are worshipping false gods. "
"My Children are not evangelising to the lost,they are crucifying me the Lord!!! If they leave the people in Islam,in Hinduism and other false religions and their sins,then they are nailing me to the cross yet again."
Anyone getting saved and still running between me and the world is crucifying me! Hebrews 6:6.
"Anyone worshipping in the Catholic Church is spitting saliva on my face and mocking me.They worship demons day and night.It is a Church of Satan.Multutides are falling at the feet of the Pope as if he is me! How blasphemous! I will feed them all to hell.It will open its mouth wide and engulf each one of them! Isaiah 5:14 says,"Hell has enlarged itself and opened its mouth wide beyond measure.The MULTITUDES will descend down into it."
"They have not yet learned that the true Prophets are never Popular with the world.Broad is the way that leads to destruction!Anyone following strange doctrines is crucifying me again!They are casting lots for my garments and putting a crown of thorns on my head."
"I do not know the Anglican Church.Escape from the devil's grasp! Run to me and I'll give you unending shelter from harm of the devil.
Lean on me,am begging you! I am more than ready to support you,lean on me!Anyone wearing a Rosary and making prayers using it is praying to demons not me! "
"I do not know Jehovah's Witnesses,they are witnesses of the devil not the me!I do not know Seventh Day Adventists,they have denied my death by deciding to hang on to the law.They are staring at me on the cross and hurling insults.They are saying my word is as good as toilet paper because they don't want to read it.They do not know that my law is written on the heart.Hebrews 8:10.
They teach doctrines whispered to them by demons.I do not know salvation army.I only know my word and those who stand on it,taught by the Holy Spirit not demonic or man made doctrines."
"Beware of false Prophets who want to exploit your money and bring glory to themselves!
All miracles in the bible had a reason they were done.They were not done for the sake of it.The red Sea was parted when the Israelites where in trouble,Food was multiplied in the wilderness when people were hungry and they needed to eat."
"Beware of people who walk on air to bring glory to themselves and not when it is needed.No miracle in the bible was done for show off.Beware of people who make miracle money,they are Satanic agents."
"I tell you little Children,any one making miracle money gets the money from the mouth of Baphomet (devil).Anyone no matter who you know that does this. It has demonic spells. Baphomet releases all kinds of currencies and gives it to them.Beware of people who make miracles for the sake of show off.They are bringing glory to themselves."
"Beware of T.B Joshua and Chris Oyakilome,they have never lead a single person to heaven. Little children,they DO NOT get their powers from me. Their Churches are filled with blood and they are a Sacrifice to the devil.They are leading you in a direction opposite from heaven."
"This then is how you will know my true Prophets.They will preach the word as it is in the bible without adding a single thing.Then they will perform miracles where they are needed to confirm that message.They will not do miracles for show off.They will do them to bring glory to my name.Even if they are 20,each and every word they say will be in coordination to one another.It will also be 100% in line with my word.The Holy Spirit is one.He will teach them all truth."
Friends,lets pray each and everyday without ceasing.In an age with such great deception,it is vital to be baptised by the Holy Spirit.Ask for the Baptism,it will never be denied to you.
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