The Lord showed me an American man who looked like he was in his thirties or early forties and this man was dead and laying down.
Strangely from where that man lay,there were coming out strange noises like that of a lot of people screaming. It was the kind of noise you would only expect if you had put a group of mad people together. It was like arrgh! aargh! aargh! in a crazy way and it was something I could not understand. It sounded crazy. So I was wondering why that kind of noise was coming out from there.
Then Jesus hit the floor. There was something that looked like a carpet on the floor and He said, " The carpet should not be removed. Let's just leave it like that. We should not make things easy but its even better when they are complicated so that the mighty power of God is shown. For there is nothing impossible with God. "
He was saying this because He had hit the floor to open it and He didn't want the carpet removed because it would look like the floor had only opened because the carpet had been removed and would not have opened otherwise. He wanted to show that nothing is impossible with God.
The floor split into two halves and when I looked at what was inside, I saw a pitch dark pit far below. The people in this section were chopped up in various people i.e head alone, hand alone etc but each individual part still feels the pain. They were suffering like animals. I also saw huge pillars in this place and some people were wrapped around the pillars like you would a cloth as decorations. They were being used as Satan's decorations in Hell and were held fast to their positions with nails on their hands and feet. They were permanently like that and still going through the torments of Hell and demons stabbing them.
Then the soul of the dead man came up from Hell and he stood, suspended in mid air. Jesus told him to explain the strange noises we had heard.
He said, " We were being taken to Hell in trains and that is why we were screaming so terribly. There was a feeling on going round in circles and a feeling of falling in an endless pit and that is why we were screaming. We watched secular TV and we are now being tortured here. There was a train for Telemundo(television channel which brings soap operas), a train for football, trains for different kinds of secular cartoons etc.
The Lord allowed me to see the trains that take people to Hell and they were really fast. You could not even see the train moving but it just flashed before you. One after another as if racing.
The Lord had allowed me to hear what was happening were that man was in the spirit. He had allowed me to hear that while in the physical realm.
I felt so sorry for this man who still looked full of life. He looked like a successful business man but now his earthly life had ended and he had to give account for the things he did while still in his body on earth.
Then the floor closed up and everything became normal.
Going to Hell is a personal choice, just like going to Heaven is. There is a secret to overcoming this world which usually seems too appealing to ignore – the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 11:11-13 "If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?
Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father give the HOLY SPIRIT to those who ask Him!”
To have the Holy Spirit, you simply ask for Him in prayer until you are baptised. The day you are baptised, you will be a 100 percent sure that you have Him and there will be no doubt. No one will tell you that you now have the Holy Spirit but you will just know. If you are still doubting, you have not received Him. Continue asking in prayer. If someone asks you if you have the Holy Spirit,it will just be a matter of Yes I have Him and not, am not sure,may be I do or maybe I don't.
The Holy Spirit helps you overcome the world. For it is not by power nor by might but by the power of the Holy Spirit.
A constant relationship of prayer,fasting, praying all night ,evangelism etc also helps you to kill the flesh because you will not be focusing on the things below but on the things above. All this is possible with the Holy Spirit who is our helper.
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