After receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit,it is important for you to still have a lifestyle of prayer or else,even though you received hatred for sin at the baptism of the Holy Spirit,if you do not pray,you will start to go back to your sin because you are starving your spirit man and feeding your flesh.
You must maintain your prayer life daily.
You can never be holy if you do not spend sufficient time in prayer with the Lord daily.
Don’t be lazy to pray.
You must seek the Lord because you know without Him you have no power over sin.
Any person who doesn’t have sufficient time to pray has sin in their life because without Jesus,sin just creeps back in.
Prayer isn’t an option,it’s a lifestyle.
Prayer and fasting should be done regularly if you want to live holy.
Many think it’s impossible to be holy but it’s just because they do not pray.
Only God can make a person holy.
So if you want to be holy,prayer,and prayer and fasting should be your lifestyle.
Don’t be lazy to seek God and say you cannot find Him,pray until you break through and pray daily,not just short prayers but sufficient fellowship.
After receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit,it is important for you to still have a lifestyle of prayer or else,even though you received hatred for sin at the baptism of the Holy Spirit,if you do n…
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— March 24, 2022
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