Ephesians 5:11, "Have no part with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather,expose them."
During the 1st encounter of Hell,the Lord revealed to my sister Rachael and I many things about the Catholic Church.
The Lord showed us demons making many things in a section set apart in hell.
This section was merely for making things to bring to earth like they do in the underworld .A lot of evil spells where put in the things in order to make people sin in all sorts of ways and to take them to Hell.
Then the Lord showed us the origin of Catholic Chitenges (Wrappers) which the Catholic women wear. I saw demons making piles and piles of Catholic Chitenges. My eyes were wide open in shock! They were making them for the Catholic Church. The women wear them not knowing they have been trapped. We need to pray for the Liberation of Catholics and they in their millions. Not in words only but in deed. Kneeling down before the Father and interceding for them.
Then days after that,the Lord took me to a Catholic Church that is in our area. We were in the Spirit. But what I saw really shocked me. I saw the devil standing by the side of the church putting up a poster.
On it was written the words 'CHURCH OF SATAN' He kept looking at the multitudes entering and smiling in glee. All those people belong to him.
Then Recently,the Lord showed me that a lot of Catholic items are used in witchcraft and satanism. He showed me a Crystal Rosary. It had been positioned in a specific way and I saw that it had been put that way as a ritual. It was supposed to cause a road accident somewhere!
Rachael also saw a demon trying to block our prayers using a Rosary. It was during intense prayers at home where we engaging in spiritual warfare. Then a demon held up a Rosary in the sky in effort to block our prayers.How then can a Rosary be Holy?1 Corinthians 10:21 says, "You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord's Table and at the table of demons, too."
A Rosary is used by demons and also in witchcraft.So how can you say you are using it for prayers?
John Ramirez known as a Wizard by everyone in his area also has a wonderful testimony.They used to call him 'The son of the devil' and he talked about how he used to use Catholic prayer books in witchcraft.He says those are not really prayers to God but it is actually a trick .When he saw a statue of Angel Michael,he laughed and said,"This isn't Michael,Angel Michael doesn't even look like this.We all know this is isn't Michael,this is a demon!"
He also says he used to use a lot of Catholic things in his Wizardry.His testimony exposes the devil and all his tactics to attack people.The title of his testimony is 'John Ramirez Escape from Hell' and it can be found on the internet.That is the bitter truth about the Catholic Church.
The Lord said many people think that the Catholic is a Church but in reality,it is a Satanic cult.The Church members do not know this but the top Leaders do and they blind the members.The Lord said they do not pray to him at all but it is actually devil worship.They hide saying they are worshipping God but the top Leaders know that the Catholic worships the devil and they are in a pact with him.
He said whatever they do is intentional to take the members to Hell. This is total wickedness at work.
They teach a lot of unbibilical doctrines such as purgatory which clearly does not exist.They use Luke 16:26 in the story of Lazarus and the rich man to say that is Purgatory.But Luke 16:26 says "There is a great gulf between us,those who want to pass from here to you CANNOT nor can those from here pass from there to us." Its either Heaven or Hell,no middle ground. They also teach that unbaptized babies will not to Heaven but Mark 16:16 says he who BELIEVES and is baptised will be saved.
Babies do not even have the ability to believe.It is against God's Holy word to Baptise them.They are innocent and automatically go to Heaven. That is the same reason babies will automatically be Raptured.
They teach Satanic doctrines of praying for the dead.They accept money and pray for the person in 'purgatory' and that they would cross over to Paradise.The bible says it is appointed for man to die once and then Judgement.And salvation is only by the blood of Jesus.Accepting money in order for salvation to take place is blasphemy. Salvation is also only on earth while someone is alive. They are just using your money and fooling you if you are doing this.
The Church members are innocent thinking they are worshipping God. Revelations 21:8 says the Eternal Lake of fire is reserved for anyone who worships idols. Exodus 20:3-5, "Do not have other gods before me. Do not make to yourself a carved image that looks like anything in heaven above,or on the earth below or that is in the water under the earth. DO NOT BOW DOWN TO THEM or serve them for I the Lord your God am a Jealous God."
The Leaders know this and they deceive them into bowing down to statues of Jesus,Mary etc.
To God,that is idolatry!They also deceive them into exalting Mary who was merely a vessel used by God instead of the Lord Almighty. The Catholic Church worships demons.The Lord revealed to us that infact, the Mary whom the Catholics mention is not even Mary the Mother of Jesus but actually a demon.To many,it may seem like it is Mary the Mother of Jesus but the truth is that it is a demon.In a vision of the night,the Lord showed Rachael some people doing witchcraft Rituals.In their rituals,they were calling the name Mary to help them.It was very shocking and that was when the Lord revealed that the Mary mentioned by Catholics is that same Mary,a demon.
After that,I did some research and discovered some very shocking Catholic songs addressed to Mary.
Some of the Lyrics went like 'Oh Virgin Mary of the Sea…' Then I thought,how is Mary the Mother of Jesus of the Sea? That is a Water Spirit,a demon!Why do people sing such songs and yet they can't see? Isaiah 6:9-10 says, “Go and tell these people,keep on hearing, but never understand;Keep on seeing, but never perceive. Make the heart of this people dull make their ears heavy and close their eyes. Lest they see with their eyes,hear with their ears,understand with their hearts,and turn and be healed.”
The Lord has blinded them because they have refused to worship him in truth and in Spirit according to John 4:24.
The are deceived into mentioning Mary whom they call the Queen of Heaven.But Jeremiah tells us exactly who the queen of heaven is.
Jeremiah 7:18 says,
"The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the QUEEN OF HEAVEN. They pour out drink offerings to OTHER gods to arouse my anger."
The bible says the Queen of Heaven is another god.A demon.Only God and the devil exist so whoever does not worship God worships the devil and his demons.Jesus also says, I am the way,the truth and the life.No one can come to the Father EXCEPT through me.Jesus is the only middle ground between us and the Father.
But Catholics say Jesus need a representative here on earth.Great Blasphemy! We have the Holy Spirit within us.We do not need a Pope to be our god or representative of Christ.He represents the gates of Hell.He is the way to Hell.On his crown is written the words,'VICARIOUS FILII DEI' which means in place of the Son of God.That is definitely true.People are worshipping that demon in Human form instead of the Lord.The Lord says,I will not share my glory with anyone.
The Lord also showed me Nuns and Priests burning in the liquid fires of Hell.They were guilty of fornication. Forbidding people to marry is a doctrine of Demons. Deciding not to marry should be a personal choice.1 Timothy 4:1&3 say "For some will depart from the Faith,giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. Forbidding to Marry and commanding to stay away from certain foods."
These people are constantly fornicating because they have no dedication to stay single.They have been forbidden to Marry.The Lord also showed me Nuns and priests still alive here on earth kissing and doing other obscene things in corners. That is a really disgusting sight before the Lord our God.
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"Warn every Catholic to escape from hell now this minute and not tomorrow! I tell you the truth,EVERY member of the Catholic and those who follow their ways of worship will be emptied into Hell's fire!"
We need to wake up and act on our claims that we are serving God.Blood is constantly flowing from his Holy wounds for the Lost.
The bible says,"if you love me, keep my commandments. That includes reaching out to the Lost."
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