I was in prayer yesterday when I found myself in a vision of the Lord. I found myself in a large crowd of people. They were all talking and as I listened I realized they were all complaining. I asked them what was happening and they explained to me that they were living in slavery and oppression. From their complaints, I thought they want to be freed. Then as I looked, from a distance I saw a large demonic army appeared carrying a very large tent.
When I just saw it ,I knew it was a “tent of slavery”. I told the people to go before that army reaches them so they can be free but they told me,”no,we want the tent of slavery.We ll wait for the army to reach us so they can cover us with the tent of slavery.” I was shocked because their earlier complaints had suggested that they want to be free! The Lord then gave me the interpretation. He said this is what people are doing right now .They cry to God to save them but yet they want to continue sinning. The bible says those in sin are slaves to sin. John 8:34 says “Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin.” And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John:3:19 If you want God to save you, you have to be willing to get out of Sodom.you can’t remain under the tent of slavery and expect to be freed.You can’t expect God to save you but choose to continue being a slave of sin.
Then the Lord Jesus Christ showed me another vision. I saw a king, he was engaged to this lady. The king was standing on a high platform where the whole kingdom could be seen. He called out to his bethrothed wife-to be,to come up to where he was and reign with him.But I saw that the lady wouldn’t come.It was as if she was unaware she was even supposed to reign with the king. She wore a wedding gown but was sitting in what looked like a dungeon!
She sat on the floor,very depressed as if she had no idea of the authority she had just by being engaged to the king and she also seemed unaware of the King’s invitation to reign. The king waited but in vain.Finally he just called another lady to come up to the platform and reign with him since his bride didn’t want to. But he told the lady that he wasn’t getting engaged to her and he wouldn’t marry her either, he just wanted her to do the work.When I saw the King’s bride,I kept wondering why she wouldn’t climb up and reign, why she chose to stay in a dungeon. Then the vision ended. Then Jesus gave me the interpretation of the vision.He said His bride,the true children of God who are living in obedience to God,many of them still choose to live in a dungeon because they don’t want to exercise the power that God has given them.
Jesus Christ wants them to arise and reign i.e, exercise power over the works of the devil. Heal the sick,raise the dead,cleanse the lepers, etc and destroy the works of the devil.
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Luke:10:19 “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”
Matthew:10:7-8. Since the bride of Christ isn’t realizing the authority she has and exercising it,Jesus is using other people (those with faith but not living a holy life).But despite Him using them, He won’t take them with Him to heaven because they are not His bride,just like that King told the woman who was ready to reign with him that he just wanted her to do the work but wouldn’t marry her.Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and has won victory over the enemy.He doesn’t want us to still live as victims in a dungeon but rather to exercise the authority He has given us.Jesus wants His bride to rise up and take that authority.
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