Matthew 7:19-21 “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”
Hello brethren. Yesterday Rachael shared with me a video of a man who found himself on the way to hell despite being a true born again Christian who believed in holiness. The man was living in accordance with the word of God and was NOT living a double life. However he died and found himself falling down a dark tunnel leading to hell and he was convicted that he was going there because he was not being fruitful.
That really touched me a lot and it was like a straight message form God that convicted my heart and touched me in an extra ordinary way.
It was not just a message to me but a deep life changing message.
The man got a second chance and as we speak he finally died. However he changed his lifestyle and was sharing Jesus through videos even on his death bed. He couldn’t walk but was still sharing the word of God with people until he finally died.
That showed me that he felt the intensity of hell as he headed there and was greatly transformed that it resulted in his character changing.
In 2022 let us us make it our resolve to be fruitful and make deliberate steps towards being fruitful. God wants us to evangelise to the world and lead a life of example by living in holiness.
Souls are perishing and christians are becoming colder than ever before.
They are sinking deeper and deeper into sin and going back into the world while whispering prayers and convincing themselves that they are still alright.
People are still falling into hell like sand every single day!
Let us stop saying we will pray and actually pray,let us do the work that needs to be done.
Happy 2022 and may we defeat Satan by making sure we are fully clothed in the armour of God!
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