the aim of facebook might be to promote immorality
and many souls are burning in hell today because of facebook
as souls are heading up to hell, souls can also have reward in heaven trough their facebook
evangelical ministry.
having an id on facebook is not the problem, but what you tolerate in facebook can destroy your salvation
facebook is a gate way to hell, for whosoever want to submit his/herself to facebook
facebook are jampard with millions of demons incarnate that disguised as beutiful women to cast spells on people trough their pictures and pollute their mind with all kind of immoral taught
some normal human are even on facebook to show the world how beutiful and sexy they are, even among christians, just to cause men to lust after them
the eyes is the gate way to the heart and right from the heart proceed evil.
Proverb4:27, keep your eyes from beholding evil, once you know a particular lady, even if she claim to be bornagain, but she's always addicted to uploading her beutiful and sexy pictures even without earing or lipstick, UNFRIEND HER OR UNFOLLOW HER.
facebook was design to promote the world of sodom and gomarah
as christians, we need to be wise like serpent, don';t submit yourself to facebook and get addited to it
post whatsoever message you want to post and sign out, don't get addicted to it, else you will destroy your own soul even if you are a preacher
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