Brothers and sisters, we must not conform to the world. We live in a world that has normalized nakedness and celebrates it and with each generation the nakedness just keeps getting worse, but God wants His sons and daughters to not partake in that culture.
People argue and say it doesn’t matter what you wear, as long as you are holy inside.
But I am here to tell you what the Lord has sent me to tell you, that if you continue going out in public half dressed, with your chest, cleavage, thighs and other private areas of your body showing, if you die you will go to hell not because God is cruel to send you to hell but because you have chosen death by refusing to repent.
It doesn’t matter if you see visions, speak in tongues, heal the sick,or get accurate dreams from the Lord,you will go to hell when you die and God wants me to warn you to repent and be holy in everything including how you dress.
A woman I personally knew who even had a prophetic gift, prayed, fasted yet failed to let go of immodest dressing just because she wanted people to see she’s fashionable, yet God showed her to me how she’s in hell suffering alone.
God hates the wickedness of immodest clothing. It will take you to hell no matter how much you claim that your heart is clean.
God doesn’t care that you are at the beach, if you are dressed immodestly, you will give an account for that.
You will not suddenly transform from your bum shorts and mini skirts into wearing a long heavenly gown. God is calling you to be separate, unaffected by the fashions of the world.
You can stay away from all other sin but if you keep this one sin, it will take you to hell.
You may claim its your culture to wear mini skirts, its your culture to wear trousers as a woman, its your culture to expose your body at the beach, its your culture to wear shorts, its your culture to sag, its your culture to lie, its your culture to engage in witchcraft, its your culture to swear and cuss, its your culture to drink, its your culture to commit fornication and adultery, know that your culture will take you to hell because God is a holy God, your culture is unholy.
In generations gone by, so many men and women were so up to date with the ungodly fashions then and with their worldly culture then but it could not save them from a holy God.
If your culture is disobedient to Jesus, come out from that ungodly culture and be led by the Holy Spirit.
God cares about what is in your heart but if you are His, He not only cares about your heart but about everything in and outside of your body, it must represent Him and bring glory to Him, not shame.
Sisters,even if you are just leaving a little part of your thighs outside,it will take you to hell,that’s how that woman God showed me used to dress.Even if its just a little bit of your cleavage out,it will take you to hell.Men too wearing clothes immodestly exposing your body,going shirtless,wearing shortsand leaving all your thighs out,all those things dont represent Jesus and will take you to hell.If you want to be holy in your dressing,then be completely holy,don’t think just a small part of your thighs out is fine,or a small part of your cleavage.Doing that is a complete waste of time.You will go to the same hell people wearing bum shorts and crop tops are going to.Even in all other areas of your life,if you want to be holy,then become obedient in every area of your life,otherwise its a waste of time because the sins you hold on to will take you to hell.
God wants complete surrender.It is possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.When we seek Him and walk with Him,then it’s possible.
It is His desire to save, but He is Holy and will not let sin in His dwelling.
This woman was not extremely immodest, she was just exposing a little bit of her thighs,wearing bare back tops,trousers and those things took her to hell because she was still unholy.Do not waste your life,now is the chance to repent.…
Brothers and sisters, we must not conform to the world. We live in a world that has normalized nakedness and celebrates it and with each generation the nakedness just keeps getting worse, but God want…
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— April 12, 2022
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