I woke up at night to pray. After that prayer, I went back to bed but as soon as I closed my eyes, I Began to see a vision.
I saw a lot of people lying down in the streets. These people were so thin that their ribs dented on their skin and they wore dirty ragged clothes.
Their stomachs were sunken as if they had not eaten for days and they had sunken eyes,their lips were dry and their faces were bony. Their whole body looked almost like a moving skeleton due to their thinness.
Then I saw tall and gigantic demons. They were in their numbers and had in their hands leather whips which had several splits at the end with hooks on them.
I saw them whipping these skinny people with no mercy. They just whipped and whipped and would not stop.
I saw that the people were too weak to stand up and escape from these demons but would just try to protect themselves by trying to block the whip using their hands as they lay helplessly on the ground.
As I observed the scene, I was shocked at the appearance of the demons because although they were tall and huge, they did not look healthy. Their stomachs were also sunken as if they had not eaten in days and their ribs were also dented on their skin. Their faces were bony and their eyes sunken just like the people they were whipping.
The only difference is that they were tall and had huge bodies despite having all these features of starvation, which I understood that their hugeness symbolises their dominance over these people.
Then the Lord brought to my understanding that these are demons of anti prayer.
These people were ordinary everyday people including Christians who had become weak in prayer.
I understood that by whipping these people,the demons were making them to weak to pray, read the bible,sing for God, fast,evangelise, do all night prayers or anything else spiritual.
The whipping was happening spirituality but the effects of the whipping were being seen physically. In the physical realm,these people look healthy and normal but due to their state of prayerlessness,in the spiritual realm,they are poverty stricken because they have not been feeding their spiritual man. They are also not putting on the armor of God but only dirty ragged clothes because they are living a life of sin.
When we see people in the world living a life without caring about God or we see a backslidden Christian, or a Christian who does not seem the same spiritually like they used to be, we should know that they are being whipped by demons in the spiritual realm to make them weak spiritually and we should pray for them.
Every time we plan to pray or start to pray,Satan sends his demons of anti prayer to come and distract us from praying using various tricks.
It can be laziness which makes us stop the prayer or summarise the prayer so that we can quickly get out of the prayer place so as to disrupt our communion with God,it can be procrastination were we're always saying we'll pray later but never actually pray or many other different tactics.
So we should always command the demons of anti prayer and laziness in doing anything for God to be subdued under our feet in the name of Jesus Christ!
We should always persist and they will flee. Its not always an easy fight as they also try to resist in order to overcome you.
In the same way there are demons of anti prayer, the Lord told me that there are Angels of prayer. There are different Angels in different Ministries meant to assist the children of God when in need.
The Lord told me that if you are having a hard time spiritually, you can just ask the Lord to unleash the Angels of prayer who will fight and defeat the spirits of anti prayer.
Hebrews 1: 14, "Are Angels not ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation?"
Alternatives for the word minister are 'to care for' ' to attend to' etc.
This means that Angels are meant to attend to the children of God. Pray for God to unleash His Angels of prayer so that your spiritual life can be liberated!
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