Do not anchor your soul on this Earth,it is like building on the sand and everything,all your hope and treasures will soon be destroyed.
The Lord gave me a message that we must not be attached to this earth and earthly possessions because very soon the Anti Christ is coming and you will lose everything.
(Please get the meaning of what God said and do not misquote me that I said you should not own anything.)
Let not your heart be on your possessions because a time is coming when you will lose them all.
But that should not be a worry if you are storing your treasures in heaven,you will look forward to God’s eternal Kingdom.
No matter what happens to this earth you will not be concerned or frightened because you know you have God’s eternal Kingdom.
Investing all your time and energy on earthly things instead of prioritising God is building on the sand.
Many people do not have time to seek God and get close to Him because they are too busy with earthly activities of their hobbies and friends and cannot find time to spend on God’s kingdom.
Many people do not want to wait in God’s presence till He baptizes them with His Spirit, yet spend countless hours on social media and entertainment.
Don’t anchor your life on this earth, it’s passing away.
Even Jesus said His Kingdom is not of this world.
Let go of the love of the world and invest your time in eternity.
Do not waste your time,be a good steward of your time here on earth.
Let the important things in your life be about the Kingdom of God that is coming,this earthly kingdom is crumbling and will soon be gone.
Where are your treasures?
Where your treasures are that’s where your heart will be.
If your concern in life isn’t about this earthly life but the life to come and put your focus on what is to come,that’s where your heart will be and you won’t toy with sin because you will know your treasures are in heaven and you do not want to lose them.
But if your life is about this earth,your heart will be about this earth, wanting to be concerned with all the affairs of this life, wanting to be up to date with everything to do with this world, and left with no energy to seek God.
That is a vain hope.
Treasure the Kingdom of God and be willing to let go of your sin and start living for the Lord while you still have the time.
Jesus literally lived His life for God.
He wasn’t busy with all the unimportant earth bound things.
But many want to waste time entertaining themselves and doing everything else then only give God the last five minutes of their day.
You are building on the sand and will lose all your treasures.
Spend time with God,get spiritual strength for what is coming upon the earth.
This earth is crumbling but God’s Kingdom is coming!
Do not anchor your soul on this Earth,it is like building on the sand and everything,all your hope and treasures will soon be destroyed….
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— March 11, 2022
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