I was in prayer and when I was saying the concluding words,a vision flashed before my eyes. It was so clear as if what I was seeing was right before my eyes. I saw a magazine with the title 'New Age' written there. I had never even heard of this magazine before this vision. On the cover, I saw a man dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and he had his hand over one eye which is a symbol of the illuminati. There was also a body builder without a shirt on the cover of the magazine and there were various words written on the magazine.
Some were written in red and some in black. They were trying to entice people to read the magazine by telling them what was inside. The Lord also brought to my attention where it was written "SEX AND LOVE TIPS INSIDE."
It was written just like that in Capital letters. This magazine just like ALL other worldly magazines all over the world are a tool of Satan and a trap to Hell.
The Lord has warned various times about how unholy these magazines are. The Lord will listen to no excuses to whoever still reads them. There will be no reason that you will give for reading them that will be valid. You may say you want to learn this or that and you will only read the good things but reasoning is always the first step to sin. Sin always takes you further than you wanted to go and by the time you realise it,it may be too late.
1 John 2:16 tells us, "For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes,and the pride of life is not of the Father but of the world. And the world is passing away,and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."
The Lord knows the intentions of our hearts. We may stop watching secular Tv but still run to reading materials that contain the same things that defile the temple of the Holy Spirit which is our bodies. Before we do anything, we should ask ourselves, if Jesus was in my position, would He do what I am doing? If He was to come and visit in my house, would I do everything the way I do it or would I stop doing some things? If so then why? It simply means those things are unholy. If I was chatting with my friends and Jesus came and sat down with us, would we continue chatting about the guys and the girls or would we change the topic? Would we continue chatting about how horrible our neighbour's dressing style is or about how cheap the car they bought is? Would we continue talking about how how our friends successfully cheated in their wives without being caught? Would Jesus join in the conversation and be happy about what we were talking about or would He be grieved?
Galatians 6:7 says "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for what a man sows,that he will also reap."
The Lord doesn't want his children to be swayed by the devil because Hell is a very horrible place and it is eternal. The Lord warns but the choice is ours to make.
Things in this world usually seem like they will never end but they usually end when you are not expecting it. Death is waiting and beyond,Jesus is waiting with open arms if only we cooperate with His Holy Spirit who wants us to live Holy lives.
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