"And Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst."John 6:35
I was reading this yesterday and God made me understand that this is also in reference to hell.
Scripture has multiple meanings but one of the meaning of this scripture is " not going to hell "
People in hell are ALWAYS hungry and thirsty.
For years and years,they hunger and thirst.
We may think,"surely they can't feel it like we do because they are dead."
But they actually feel it much more!
because now its spiritual.
Only those who come to Jesus will never hunger or thirst.
If you don't fast,you'll never be able to overcome sin.
Its impossible to be holy without a close relationship with Jesus.
That close relationship requires obedience in prayer and fasting too.
When it comes to fasting, there are no two ways about it,its either you endure hunger while fasting now,or you starve forever in hell.
Its a personal choice to make.
You can choose to have all the food you want, and never seek God in prayer and fasting and as a result be a lukewarm Christian (Revelations 3:15-16) which means you won't be right with God when you die.
once you land in hell, you'll be terribly hungry for eternity.There's no food or water in hell.everyone there feels great hunger and thirst (read Luke 16:23-24).
Or,you can deny yourself and get closer to God through prayer and fasting and thereby be found ready when Jesus comes or when you die and you will never hunger or thirst again.
Luke 9:23 talks about denying yourself to follow Jesus.
Its the same with praying without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
If you don't pray without ceasing here on earth,you'll pray without ceasing in hell,asking God for mercy and he will not answer because you ignored his warnings on earth.
There are no two ways about it.
No wonder Jesus said,"my yoke is easy and my burden light"Mathew 11:30.
For Jesus to say this,it means there is a heavier burden wwhich was will have to carry,if we reject his.
This means,what you endure as you strive to enter the narrow way is so much lighter compared to the reward you get for following Satan/worldliness.
Its easier to fast frequently here on earth, with the Holy Spirit helping you,than for you to starve forever in hell without any hope.
Jesus died to save us but we must make a personal decision to follow him.and following him means to DENY yourself and carry the cross DAILY.
Yes we can truly say;His burden is light and His yoke is easy.
He is a good God and doesn't want us to perish.
Choose now while you can,for time is short.
GOD bless you.
Fasting in relation to Holiness
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— April 24, 2017
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