The bible says the Just shall live by Faith Hebrews 10:38 not by Fear.Yet most Christians today live under the fear of hell.The reason we serve God is not because we are afraid of going to hell but because we love him.As a Christian,you need to get to that point of realisation for your Faith to mature.
When God tells us that people go to hell,its because he wants us to live righteous lives and not to instill fear in us.Fear comes from the devil.
After Jesus ascended to heaven,there was one way of identifying the Apostles,they were bold and courageous.When Peter and John were brought before the rulers, the bible says "When the Rulers saw how bold Peter and John were,they knew that they had been with Jesus."Acts 4:13.
So that was one way of identifying people who had been with Jesus.They were full of boldness,not of fear.
If we have confessed all our sins and live in obedience,then we should not fear.Fear is for those who have not yet given themsleves to God.They are the ones awaiting the wrath of God because the bible says those who have come to Christ have passed from death to life.So if you are no longer under death but under life why should you fear? The bible says the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations,2 Peter 2:9.
The following example shows how we don't lose our value before God.
A Preacher started off his service holding a 20 dollar bill.In the room of 800 he asked ,"who would like this 20 dollar bill?" Hands went up.So he said, am going to give this money to one of you but first let me do this.He held the money in his hand and began to crumble it with his fingers making it wrinkled.Then he asked,"Now who wants it?" Still all the hands went up.Then he got the money and started grinding it to the floor to make it dirty and said " Now that its crumbled and dirty who still wants it?" All the hands still went up.
The people still wanted the money no matter how dirty or crumbled the money was because it being dirty did not make it reduce its value.
In the same way,God loves us no matter how many times we fail him because we still have the same value.When we repent of our sins,he forgives us.
What shall be able to separate us from the lo ve of God? The bible says not even Angels,demons,the past,the future,depth or height shall be able to separate us from him.NOTHING will be able to pluck us out of his hand Romans 8:38.
We have live a Holy life full of boldness and not full of fear.
Sometimes we sin even without realising it but the bible says,in our weaknesses,the Holy Spirit helps us and intercedes for us in groans that can not even be spoken.It says he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God,Romans 8:26.
Why should we live in fear then? The Lord has not given us a Spirit of fear but of Boldness,Courage and of a Sound mind, 2 Timothy 1:7.
God wants us to Fear him and not to live in fear of him.To fear him means to know that he is holy and all who want to serve him must be Holy.To respect him.And not to tremble and live under constant fear of going to hell.That comes from the devil.Refuse that Spirit and claim boldness in the name of Jesus Christ because you have passed from death to life.Let people know you have been with Jesus.
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