"I will accept no reason for anyone who fails to complete their work.
No reason I say, No reason.Was the servant who buried his treasure
in the ground….were his reasons heard? I tell you,for everything I
have given you,I have made the conditions suitable for that.
Therefore, I will accept no laziness from My children. Do My work in
season and out of season. Put yourselves in My shoes, am
watching people fall into hell everyday. Do you know how that feels?
No, you don’t know. You do not understand.
It breaks your heart. You want to bring those people back up to
heaven, but sin cannot enter My Kingdom, I am a Holy God.
Therefore, they must remain where they are.But preach to them.
Preach. Day and night, morning, noon, preach the word, talk about
My judgement, talk about My holiness, talk about My word, talk
about Me. Tell them, tell them, tell them. Speak it out loud. Shout it
on the mountain top. Speak speak speak everywhere. Speak, speak
don’t be silent. Don’t wait for anything, there’s nothing to wait for.
Time is gone.Speak.You are not alone.Time is gone.Speak,Prea
ch.Do not rest.The time of your rest will come.It’s not now, it’s not
yet,no.The harvest is not done.Do not rest.Do not rest.The time of
your rest will come.
And I tell you,it will be restful.I tell you it will be worth it.i tell you,I
tell you, you will be glad you worked so hard.You will be glad,don’t
be tired My children.Dont be tired, No.Do not be tired.Use every
opportunity,tell everybody,tell everyone your King is coming.
Tell them all,let them all know am coming.Let them all know am
Holy.Let them know am Holy.Let them know without holiness no
one will see Me."
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