The Lord Jesus Christ has been telling me about how grieved He feels over the current state of His children's Christianity.
He said the way they are now is not the way they were when they first came to Him but they have started compromising and are becoming cold.
He said, "They don't fast anymore, they don't evangelise anymore, they don't pray for the lost anymore, they don't do overnights, they don't pray as much anymore and the things I told them to stay away from they have began to entertain. They have even again began to change television channels, watching secular Tv. The kind of people I told them to stay away from, they have began to pull near to themselves again. They have slowly started becoming like the people of the world in their dressing, behaviour, talk. Doing artificial hair and abandoning holiness. The warnings I gave them have began to seem like just stories and have began to fade away from their memories."
"What is the difference between now and then? If anything, they should even hold on more now and grow more spiritual because the time is nearer now than when they first believed. Tell them that every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire."
"There are some places my children used to evangelise in when they first came to me but now, they are ashamed of evangelising in those places. They say, 'what will they think of me' yet they used to evangelise in them when they first believed. There are some people my children would evangelise to when they first believed but now, they choose who to evangelise to. They say 'Let me evangelise to this one. The other one is too popular to evangelise to. He knows all about this world and girls are all over him. What will he think of me when I start telling him the word of God? I will feel embarrassed.' But remember that no one is too cool and popular to die or go to hell and remember that if you are ashamed of me and deny me, I will also deny you before my Father"
" When you got converted, the Kingdom of darkness shook. An atomic bomb. They were scared of what would become of their kingdom . You were a dangerous weapon that shook the foundations of hell, scattered the arrows of the enemy with prayer and hindered their missions . You made Satan uneasy all the day long because praise was always on your lips, your bible was with you everywhere you went and you would even skip a meal because you were too busy evangelising. Now, if someone asks you something about God, you hesitate to answer because you are ashamed of saying anything that has to do with God. Go back to the old paths."
"You would sing my songs as you walked along the road but now you're even scared of anyone hearing you singing a christian song. Are you scared of persecution? Persecution is bound to come as long as you truly follow me. Even from those who call themselves Christians. They will mock you when you go out to evangelise, they will try to bring you down and make you feel foolish for being holy. But that is the only way to Heaven. All other roads, no matter how they look lead to Hell. Remember, I have overcome the world. Ask for the Holy Spirit fire to be rekindled in you my dear children. I do not want you to have served me in vain in the previous years. Go back and serve me in truth and in spirit. "
These are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. May each one of us look deeply inside of us truthfully and serve Him as He deserves to be served. Let us not become like the children of Israel who failed to enter the promised land due to their disobedience.
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