God will hold many preachers accountable for failing to confront the sin of immodest dressing.
Even a worldly person can know deep down their conscience that it’s wrong to expose private areas of your body,what more a person who claims to have the Spirit of God in them?
How can you not know that it’s wrong for your church members to leave their thighs and cleavage out?
It’s really sad but true that this is the sin that will cause many to be condemned.
Firstly many Christians will land in hell forever for dressing half naked and bringing shame to the name of Jesus.
Secondly,many Pastors will be condemned to hell for failing to rebuke sin that is so obvious even your conscience without the Holy Spirit will tell you it’s wrong.
The modern church takes it lightly but God takes it seriously.
The greatest way that the modern church has greatly fallen is by embracing Jezebel.
The Lord Jesus had told me,”I will require the blood of all the church members from the pastors who are not telling my people the truth.”
Some years ago I visited a church and the pastor during preaching said,”some of you ladies,you always come saying,’Pastor,pray for me I want to get married ‘ but how can you get married with your long skirt?”
And the whole church laughed along with the the pastor.
Can you imagine a pastor telling his members they need a mini skirt in order for God to answer their prayer to get married??!!
I was so shocked.
And this church has one of the worst cases of immodesty in the church that I have seen.
Female ushers wear the most tight mini skirts and keep moving up and down during the service, showing people where to sit.
They wear jeggings in the church while blasting in tongues.
A woman with half her body exposed and the pastor gave her a “prophecy”saying,”I see God’s glory all over you.The glory of the Lord is so powerfully on you.”
Here’s what God says about those who prophesy good things to people who are in sin.
Jeremiah 23:16-17
Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of the Lord.
They continually say to those who despise Me, ‘The Lord has said, “You shall have peace” ’; And to everyone who walks according to the dictates of his own heart, they say, ‘No evil shall come upon you.’ ”
Many preachers will be held accountable for comforting people in their sin, telling them good things in their sin when the word of God says,”God is angry with the wicked everyday!”(Psalm 7:11)
It is wickedness to go out in public half naked,it doesn’t represent Jesus in any way and brings disgrace to His holy name.
Many preachers would gladly condemn most sin but turn a blind eye to this sin because they are following their spiritual fathers who are also following their spiritual fathers who are also following other people who are not listening to the Lord.
People do not have time to hear what the Lord has to say to them,they would rather just copy what their mentors are teaching.
They ignore this sin that has made the church to walk in the flesh because God’s Holy Spirit is already gone!
It grieves God’s Holy Spirit and is taking many people to hell.
Even if it’s just a little part of your thighs out, even if it’s just a little bit of your cleavage out,IT WILL TAKE YOU TO HELL!
And it has taken so many to hell already.
Don’t lose your heavenly reward.
You can be holy in everything else,but if you dress immodestly,it will take you to hell, for the wages of sin is death.
If you want to be holy,be holy in your speech,thoughts, behavior but also dress modestly.
Dressing modestly alone isn’t holiness but
It’s not possible to be holy without dressing modestly.
Don’t be careless with your soul, honor God with your body,you won’t lose anything,it will increase the ways in which you are honoring Jesus.
We are not our own,we are HIS.
We are not free to dress as we please.
We cannot be His yet be free to do as we please, Jesus dictates how we do everything;from how to talk, decisions we make,how we act,and even how we dress!
We are slaves of righteousness.
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