Here is why makeup is not a trivial thing to God.It reveals your rebellion against God.
So the other day I was talking to someone and I asked her if she knows a certain lady.
She said she doesn’t recognize the name but asked me to show her a pic incase she might just know her facially.
I showed her a picture of the lady I was asking her about because I wanted to know if she’s seen her before,for her to get the context of what we were discussing.
However,the lady in the picture had so much makeup she was literally wearing a mask!
The lady I was talking to said,”I can’t tell how she really looks because she’s got too much makeup it’s hard to know her real face, and so I can’t tell if I have seen her before.”
So I tried looking for another picture but they were all the same.
Like you can’t even know how someone really looks like when they wash off all the paintings on their face!
It reminded me of why God hates makeup.
It’s an insult to Him.
Because you feel the way God created your face wasn’t good enough and therefore you need a human artist to redraw it(makeup artist).
They give you eyelashes that you deem better than the ones God gave you.
They redraw your eyebrows to be what you deem more beautiful than how God made them.
They put piles of foundation etc on your face to give it a look you deem more beautiful than how God created your face.
They paint your lips to a color you think is more appropriate for your lips than the color God gave you.
They replace the beautiful hair God gave you,with a man made synthetic wig or someone else’s hair.
Whatever part of your body you try to “makeup” you are simply saying you are a better designer than God.
It’s an insult to the Lord and I remember when the Lord was telling me about this to warn women,
He said,”why don’t you just create your own humans?”
You are literally telling God that you could have done a better job than He did and even though so many Christians see all this fake beauty things as normal,the Lord detests it.
Take good care of the hair God gave you by using products that keep it moisturized healthy, and neat without turning it fake by dyeing, chemical processing or putting on fake hair.
Just take good care of your skin to keep it moisturized and healthy, without dabbing all that makeup on to make a face you want instead of the face God gave you because God hates it.
There was a time I struggled with acne (check video on sercular entertainment)but I still didn’t use makeup because I know how serious this is to God.
Satan isn’t trying to make you beautiful with the fake beauty.
He’s making you vain and he knows God hates it.
Many do not realize the real reason it’s so hard to let go of all the fake beauty is because there are demons behind it.
The Lord had shown me a vision of a woman who had the fake hair on her head and makeup and unknown to her there was a serpent spirit coiled up around her and whispering in her ear,”you look so beautiful.”
And because of this,she didn’t feel beautiful without the makeup and couldn’t let it go.
It’s all part of Satan’s scheme because he knows what God hates.
When I share my testimony of hell talking about all other sins,satan attacks me but not so much.
But when I talk about God’s warning on makeup, jewelry,pants and fake beauty,that really gets satan worked out and he tries to threaten all sorts of things.
It is his stronghold.
Many argue that makeup isn’t their idol,but the real reason they fail to let it go even when convicted is because it’s an idol.
Apart from being an idol,it is a direct insult and rebellion against the living God.
He says,”just make your own humans then so that you design them how you want.”
Sometimes people justify the sin saying they only use a little makeup and don’t look completely fake but to God it’s all the same because whatever part you are trying to redo to satisfy your vanity you are sinning against the Lord and rebelling against Him.
You are in the same category with people who do cosmetic surgery,yours may seem lighter because it’s temporal but it’s the same spirit of vanity, trying to attain this man made image for your pleasure.
Health surgery isn’t sin,but cosmetic surgery and makeup is.
It is a serious sin.
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