My Testimony
Sometimes people seek God in unbelief.
Deep down they think He can’t answer them or give them what they ask.
In 2011(December) I read a testimony on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and it ignited a hunger in my heart because I realized I didn’t have the Holy Spirit yet.
In this testimony,these people had been engaged in so much prayer and God had not only baptized them in the Holy Spirit but He had also opened their spiritual eyes and I so much longed for that.
I lived as a lukewarm christian, going to church but with no personal prayer life or real fear of God.
When I started to seek God with all my heart,a few days later (5th January,2012) I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and for the very first time in my life I started to hear God’s voice speaking to me clearly.
The Lord said,”continue to pray,I will open your spiritual eyes and show you so many things.
There’s so much that I want to show you.And there’s so much I want to tell you.
I will show you more than you asked for!”
*God keeps His Promise*
I continued in prayer everyday with my younger sister and my younger brother.
We continued to obediently pray according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes He would tell us to stay up all night in prayer.
We would pray,read the Bible,and worship during the night,but some nights He would tell us to just pray and He would keep telling us what to pray for, especially for the lost souls on earth.
Other times we would just decide to stay up all night in prayer even without the Lord asking us to.
We were also doing prayer and fasting and on days we were not fasting we would pray every morning at 6 and then later on around 10 and also in the afternoon around 4pm we would do bible study and pray and we would pray again somewhere around 9pm before bed,and at midnight.
I had alot of free time during the day but you can schedule your prayer time based on what is more suitable for you if you work or go to school.
Our lives began to change drastically.
We were no longer wasting our time watching worldly movies but instead even when we were not praying our conversations were all about Jesus because that is where we were laying up our treasures.
Therefore our hearts were there as well.
One-day,a lady who was a neighbor asked us,”you are always praying,which church do you attend?I wish my children would pray as well but they’re always busy watching TV.”
When people see someone who is successfully walking with Jesus,they mostly think it’s because of a church they attend.
So they think if only they can join that church,they too will walk with the Lord.
But in reality it’s a very personal resolve.
You can join a church where the person who walks close to Jesus attends yet you remain far from Jesus.
It’s deeply personal.
We had made our own personal decisions to seek Jesus,it wasn’t the church that made us do that.
A successful relationship with Jesus is deeply personal.
It was after one of the nights when we had stayed up all night to pray that I realized I could now see in the spirit!
Before I could only sense the demons when they came to attack,I could never see spiritual things.
We had just finished praying around 5 am and I saw a demonic spirit that had been sent against us.
It looked like a frog but was huge,the size of a big dog!
It was at my back but I could see it clearly trying to climb the wall of the house even though i was facing it with my back!
I could see it as clearly as though I was looking at it with physical eyes.
That is when I realized I was seeing it with Spiritual eyes!
God had kept His promise and opened my spiritual eyes.
God is real and He does what He says!
We only have to do our part.
From then on I could see both demons and angels when they came to our house.
One-day as we prayed a serpent was sent to attack us but God sent an angel to destroy it.
I saw the angel of the Lord destroy the serpent with a sword then he threw it in the fire then turned to me and said,”look,the serpent is destroyed,” while pointing at the snake with his sword.
God started to show me alot of visions and also dreams.
God also started to show me things happening in the spirit during prayer.
The more we pray,the more angelic activities happen around us.
Sometimes I hear people complain of not being able to find God despite seeking Him for years.
But that can only happen if you do not seek Him with all your heart.
If you truly dedicate your time and your all He’s more than willing to be found and to answer you.
We would pray at night and sometimes prayers would drag to 11 pm but we would still wake up at midnight to pray because we had an appointment with Jesus for that time,we had to keep it no matter what.
And God will honor that.
When you honor Him He will also keep His part.
When you don’t honor Him and treat Him as unimportant,He will not force Himself in your life.
If you only want a little of Him,that’s what He will give you.
If you want more,that’s what He ll give you.
I proved that God is no respector of persons.
I had thought He might not do for me what He had done for those people whom I had read about in the testimony that had ignited the hunger to seek Him.
I was telling the Lord that I wanted what they had with Him.
And He told me He would give me so much more if only I continued to pray.
And He did.
God is faithful and it is us humans who do not do our part to seek Him with all our hearts.
He’s ready to answer us.
If you seek the Holy Spirit just wholly give yourself to the Lord, setting your heart on Him.
He’s real and draws near if we draw near.
God is so very faithful all the time!
Am sharing my testimony for those who desire to draw closer to Jesus,so that you know that He’s able to answer you and His promises are real.
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