As I prayed,bright light filled the whole room.
It was too bright for my eyes even though they were closed.
The more I prayed,the brighter it got.
The presence of God filled the room in a very glorious way.
Then I saw angels,all of them tall and dressed in pure white.They had golden hair and very glorious on their faces.Their robes were so white and filled with light.
In the midst of the angels,I saw the Lord Jesus Christ,He too was dressed in robes so white they shone.
He had hair that was filled with brilliant light like each strand was made of light,his face too was filled with light.He was so glorious.
The Lord stepped forth from the angels and came to where I was kneeling in prayer.
The Lord then began speaking to me about different things both personal and for His church.
I will only share the message for the church here.
The Lord told me that His will for His children is that they become the light of the world in every way. "mathew 5v14.
He told Me,"Be the light in every way,not just one way leaving out the other.Some people for example dress decently like children of God should,but they have no love for their neighbours and no prayer life.That is displeasing to your heavenly Father.
Other people Have a prayer life but are ungodly in different ways,that too is displeasing to Me.
What I want for My children is that they are to be like Me in every way.
Dress in a way that shows you are the light,show love to your neighbours,pray in spirit and truth,evangelise,be led by the Holyspirit.That is how My church was in the Apostolic day and that's how I want it now.That is a great joy to your Father . When you become a light in all your ways and not just some.
Get rid of everything that is not of Me . Everything.And seek Me."
I was in prayer this morning.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— February 6, 2016
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