This is what a brother from Philipines shared with me,"My religion is Catholic.Lots of the catholic use a sign of the cross when we pray.Today,before we ate breakfast,we prayed but I was not using sign of the cross when i prayed,they ask me,why aren't u using sign of the cross when u pray?Lately I ve been observing u,you are not using it when u pray,why? i said,"its nothing".
one of my sisters said," because the bible said you cannot be using sign of the cross?"
i said again," no,its nothing," then i close my eyes,some word enter to my mind, it said "why u deny me? tell them" that word entered my mind 2 times.
i thought," its jesus saying it to me," then i prayed,i said" im sorry lord,i dont want to deny u,am sorry." But then I was scared to tell all my friends,then other words started coming,saying " if u deny me,i will deny u in the front of my father"I had read that word in the bible before.I then i started crying,and i told them that i dont want to deny Jesus,i want to be a christian,i want to be a born again."
Praise God!He then told me he has heeded the correction from Jesus Christ and wants to leave the catholic church(because its full of idolatry) and wants to trully be born again and serve God.
Idolatry cannot save you,it can only lead you to destruction.Do not bow down to statues,don't bow down to images of mary,or images of Jesus or any images,don't pray using a rosary,don't offer prayers to mary or "saints".Its all idolatry.The only mediator between God and man is Christ,not a "saint".Pray to God alone.
we serve a jealous God and He wants all your attention.He will not share His glory with idols.Do not love anything more than God because it becomes an idol.He wants to be first in your life,because He wants to give you eternal life.(Exodus 20:3-5)
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— October 25, 2014
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