don't tolerate sin in your life.
Cry to Jesus for His grace to help you overcome the world.
satan so desperately hates you and many traps are laid to make sure you fall into sin.
Unless you have a consistent relationship with Jesus,you will surely fall.
Without Jesus we are nothing.We cannot overcome on our own.
That's why the bible says pray without ceasing.
Do not labor in vain,only to lose your reward at the last minute.
When you backslide and die in sin,you ve lost your reward for everything you ever did in serving God.
All your fasting,all your praying,Evangelism,etc was in vain.
It will not be remembered.
"Again when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness and commit iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him,he shall die:because thou hast not given him warning,he shall die in his sin AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH HE HAS DONE SHALL NOT BE REMEMBERED,but his blood will I require at thine hand."EZEKIEL 3:20.
"And Jesus said unto him,no man having put his hand to the plough,and looking back,is fit for the Kingdom of GOD " LUKE 9:62
Be faithful to the end,then you will receive your reward.(HEBREWS 3:13).
REVELATIONS 2:10"……….Be thou faithful unto death,and I will give thee a crown of life."
Again I want to emphasise that if you want to overcome on your own you will only be disappointed by your constant failure.
Develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Ask for the Holyspirit,read the bible everyday,pray and fast frequently,obey the voice of the Holyspirit,pray without ceasing,stay close to Jesus.
Don't keep running to the world and back to Jesus and to the world again.
Be consistent in your walk with God.
When you stop reading the bible and you stop praying,your spiritual downfall begins.
Don't ever go a day without fervent prayer.
satan starts by killing your prayer life,then when it's dead you will fall in all the traps he sets.
Don't be disconnected from Jesus.He is your faithful friend and will help you if you ask him to.
Confide in Jesus,if you find it hard to pray,tell Jesus and ask Him to help you,He will.
Ask Him to help you be interested in reading His word.
You need Jesus for everything.
"Iam the vine,ye are the branches:He that abides in me,and I in him,the same bringeth forth much fruit:for without me ye can do nothing."JOHN 15:5.
JESUS CHRIST loves you beyond measure.shalom.
If you are a christian,be faithful to God till the end.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— January 18, 2016
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