If You are Spiritually Dry but are Serious about getting Close to Jesus Then Do This.
If you are Spiritually Dry,no matter how much people pray for you,if you yourself cannot start to seek God,you ll remain in that same state.
These are not rules or formulas but just some tips of things that always help me to get closer to the Lord Jesus.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you on what else to do but these things are some of the things that work for me because Jesus is very willing for us to find Him.
Finding Jesus doesn’t mean seeing Him, not everyone will see Jesus while we are here on earth, everyone has different gifts.
What is important is to make sure that the day you will leave this earth,you will see Him,you will find Him waiting for you and just run into His embrace,safe forever with all earthly suffering banished from your life forever.
However, finding Jesus means being able to have a real relationship with Him,where you know Him and love Him and are connected to His heart.You desire what He desires,and He starts to teach you and lead you.
You no longer just depend on what people tell you about Jesus but you actually know Him for yourself because you are walking closely with Him.
First make sure you are not living in sin because unrepented sin repels you from Jesus and causes Him to hide His face from you.
Isaiah 59:2
“But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.”
Now that you have made sure you are living in holiness,set aside a day of prayer and fasting where you will be able to spend the whole day in prayer.
James 4:8-10
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”
We can do prayer and fasting even on days we are working or at school etc but for this it’s very important to choose a day when you will actually be free for the whole day, from morning to 6pm.If you have a baby you could arrange for someone to help you with your child e.g your spouse and you may still check on your child here and there.If there’s no one to help you can still bring your baby with you to pray.God can see your sacrifice,He understands and honours your efforts.
You can either turn off your phone or put it in silent mode and pack it away, don’t bring it to the prayer room to avoid distractions.
You want to give this time to Jesus 100%.
So only get your phone later in the evening when you break your fast.
Don’t even use your phone to watch godly or encouraging videos etc.
Just pack it away and be present,with Jesus.
Start your prayer and fasting as soon as you wake up.Ofcourse you can bath and do some things that are necessary first but start your prayers early so that you have more time with the Lord.
Close yourself away, alone the entire day.
Pray to the Lord with your whole heart, not just your lips.
Come to seek the Lord because it’s Him you want, not because of the things you are seeking from Him.
You can still pray about the physical needs you have but because this is meant to draw you closer to Jesus, don’t focus so much on that.
Come to pray because you want Him.
Come seeking JESUS as your reward,as the only reward you want.
God will give you rest and peace about the other things troubling you, and ofcourse He will still give them to you,but this time around, come only seeking Jesus.
Because you want to love Him, because you want to desire Him,you want Him to help you desire to pray,you want Him to help you enjoy being with Him,you want Him to help you value being with Him than anything else.
When you start praying,
Ask the Lord to help you to be able to pray,ask Him to teach you to pray.
Ask the Lord to help you to love Him,to increase how much you love Him.
I always tell the Lord Jesus to enlarge my heart and just fill it with love for Him.
Ask the Lord to change your heart and help you to want to pray and to enjoy prayer.
Tell the Lord the things that keep you from praying and ask Him to help you stop loving those things and to love Him instead.
Ask the Lord to help you be drawn to Him, and to love what He loves.
Tell the Lord to help you have a real relationship with Him and for Him to teach you.
There’s no formula with prayer,just tell God what’s on your heart.
If there’s sin you are struggling with ask the Lord to help you overcome your sin so that you don’t go back to it.
Then stay in that same room or whatever place you are praying from,the whole day alone with Jesus.
Don’t go out to socialize or anything else,stay in God’s presence.
You can pray,sing,read the Bible,and pray again,sing etc.
Don’t be lazy to pray and just sleep.If you feel sleepy pray while standing,but no matter what make sure to make the most of this time.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, don’t do all these things in the flesh,just doing them for the sake of,but it has to be from your heart.
Sing because you want to sing for the Lord, not just for the sake of.
Mostly when you spend your fast completely with God you may not even feel that hungry.
You can break your fast at 6pm,but now don’t go filling up on worldly things.
This period of being alone with God drew you closer to Jesus but once you go to fill up with worldly things like worldly conversations of sin, sercular entertainment,you draw several steps backwards.
You ll actually realize the difference,you ll notice your fire for God is vanishing because you are grieving God’s Holy Spirit.
So even after breaking your fast you need to continue in holiness.
And if you really want to get very close to the Lord,it helps to limit the time spent on social media and continue to spend time with the Lord instead.
After you break your fast at 6pm,you can pray again later before bed, praying with your whole heart.
And you can go to bed early and wake up to pray later in the night like at midnight.
And the next morning when you wakeup pray.
If you are working, wakeup Abit earlier so that you pray first.
After work,find time for meaningful prayer, don’t just go to bed.
Prayer should become a habit.
No one can get close to Jesus without a lifestyle of prayer.
Limiting time on social media and using the time to pray instead makes a huge difference.
You ll grow to love Jesus so much and prayer will keep getting easier.
Then make prayer and fasting to be part of your lifestyle.
You can maximize usage of the time you are off from school or work and start doing what I talked about above regularly,where you actually spend the entire day with Jesus.
It really changes your life.
But it’s something you must maintain because once you get careless with sin or start to get lazy in prayer,you ll lose it.
Instead, always ask Jesus to help you keep loving Him and to love prayer.
Jesus will give rest to your soul and give you so much joy and peace.
You will realize that Jesus is enough.
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