In my life I have had people who tried to befriend me yet all their conversations were about how they went clubbing the previous day,or about some men they met and they want to start telling stories about their sinful relationship with those men they meet.
So when you have people like that, and then you tell them about Jesus, about sin, about repentance and they’re not willing to change and yet insist on bringing such things in your conversations with them,they are negatively affecting your relationship with Jesus.
To be friends with such people you have to choose their friendship, preferring to hurt Jesus instead.
Actually you are going to feel the Holy Spirit in you being grieved by such unclean talk.
So disassociating from people like that by keeping a distance is going to save your relationship with Jesus.
You can still greet them and talk to them distantly but it’s automatic that you cannot be close friends with them because being close friends will cost you always having to grieve the Holy Spirit.
And since they are unwilling to have good conversations, your conversations with them are defiling your garments.
The Holy Spirit won’t even let you feel comfortable constantly being in the midst of people who talk like that because every time you do,you will feel so bad and know you have sinned.
There are friendships that can cost your relationship with Jesus.
Because we are still in the world and Jesus has called us to be a light to the world,we still relate to people who live in sin.
However there are people we cannot be close to because being close to them makes us sin, grieving the Holy Spirit.
So our relationship with Jesus is more important, therefore to follow Jesus we keep a distance from certain people.
In my life I have had people who tried to befriend me yet all their conversations were about how they went clubbing the previous day,or about some men they met and they want to start telling stories a…
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— July 29, 2022
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