In the morning, late for work so can’t pray. Will pray after work. After work, too tired to pray will pray at midnight. At midnight, had a long day at work unable to wake up, need to catch some sleep, will pray in the morning. In the morning, too late for work again will pray after work etc.
Cant fast during the week too busy with work will fast on the weekend. Weekend comes, if weekend is spent praying and fasting when will resting ever be done? Postpones fasting to another weekend etc.
No reading bible, no singing to God.
The flesh begins to rule, begins to live a compromised live. Does not realise that has backslidden. Then realises but it doesn’t seem like such a big deal. Can get back to God any time.
Week after week goes by in same routine, six months goes by with no prayer, fasting, evangelism etc. One year passes and another etc.
Dies unexpectedly, goes to hell. Says God is not fair. Memories flash back of postponed prayers, fasting etc which were never done hence the flesh prevailed. Regrets, asks to go back to earth. Too too late. Chapter of life closed.
1 Corinthians 10:12 “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”
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