He is totally against both men and women wearing earings,bracelets,neckchains and other jewellery,perming hair,using artificial hair,painting nails or using fake nails etc.
The Lord is also against sagging of trousers,women wearing trousers,short or revealing clothes.
(Deutronomy 22:5 , Peter 3:3-5,exodus 33:1-6)
He wants his children to dress decently and be a light to the world.
He wants His children to forsake the things of the world.
There are many sins but today I want to focus on these that I have mentioned because many other sins like fornication and drunkeness are preached against in churches but the people are still looking just like the world because the things I ve mentioned above are not preached against.
So the Lord requires obedience in these areas as well.Many people are in hell because of these things.
The Lord wants you to be holy inside and have a pure heart but He also wants you to be a light on the outside too.
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15
Note that He doesn't just want you to be looking like a child of God on the outside while the inside is polluted,He wants both.
He wants Holiness both inside and outside.Thats what's complete.
One of the ancient Jewish texts not part of the bible is the book of Enoch.
This book was written by Enoch mentioned in Genesis 5:24." And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him."
It contains visions of mysteries God revealed to him before God took him.
In this book,Enoch explains in detail how the fallen angels came to earth and married women and taught humans to sin against God.
Sin was already on earth but these fallen angels(demons) taught people new ways of rebellion against God including idol worship,witchcraft,wearing of jewellery and painting of eyelids.
You can download the pdf book online and read to get better understanding of where these things came from.(read book of enoch chapter 6 and 7).
These fallen angels had been in God's presence and knew exactly what God liked and hated.
They knew if they taught people to do these things it would displease God.And so they did it.
The Lord Jesus Christ directly told me He doesn’t
want Christian's to wear jewellery,makeup,perm hair or use artificial hair,artificial nails or eyelashes,high heeled shoes,women wearing trousers,sagging of trousers,wearing short or tight clothes etc.
He told me all these things are unpleasing to Him and His children shouldn't do them.
Every kingdom has rules and that includes the heavenly Kingdom.
The bible says we are strangers here on earth and are ambassadors of Christ.2 Corinthians 2:20.
The grace of God doesn't mean we now live without guidance from God on how to live,it means we are now empowered by the Holyspirit to obey God.
The new testament is filled with lists of things forbidden by God.
Even under grace God still has a say over our lives.For we are His.
I have to tell you that these things the Lord told me are not an option.Its not as if it doesnt matter wether you obey or not.It does matter.
If it didn't matter, God wouldn't have had them included in the scripture and kept revealing about them over and over.
Jesus knows where these things are taking you.Hes warning you out of love.He loved you enough to die for you.
They are all worldly things not fit for children of God.
After the Lord had revealed all this to me together with some revelations of hell,I was invited at a place to share about hell but I didn't mention these things.
Two weeks later,the Lord sent me a rebuke through a person I don't even know and have never met.
The Lord showed her that I wasn't saying everything that He told me to say.
I was so broken and had to repent.
Since then I have been determined to say it all no matter how people will react.Wether they accept it or reject it.The truth of God's word remains.And on judgement day I won't be held responsible for their souls.Each time I speak of what the Lord showed me,I redeem my soul from being held accountable for people's blood.
What I have told you here is nothing but the truth.
I have added nothing,removed nothing,but I have said it as it was given to me by Jesus Christ that I may deliver it to you.Iam only a messanger,the message is His . Shalom
Jesus Christ is totally against his children dressing like people of the world.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— February 23, 2016
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