Jesus gave me a vision that I was trying to escape a flood that had covered the earth, and trying to ascend a staircase to go up to where the Lord was.
He was standing on a cloud high above the earth,with His hand stretched out, inviting me to escape the flood and come up to Him.
Jesus was smiling and waiting for me.
I had to go up to where He was but it was so difficult to move in the flood of water that had covered the earth.
But I heard the Holyspirit Spirit calling out to me saying, “look to Jesus and keep your eyes on Him!”
And instead of trying to look at what surrounded me and where I was stepping,I looked up at Jesus,where He was standing high above the earth.
And to my surprise,as I kept looking at the Lord Jesus and just stepping on the staircase by faith without trying to look at everything around me but looking intently at Jesus,then it was so easy to ascend up the staircase and I began to move quicker to where Jesus was!
Then the Lord gave me the message that we must not get distracted by what is going on around us and what other people and even other Christians are doing or not doing.
They are not our example.
We must look intently at Jesus and keep our eyes on Him, listening to Him and obediently following what He tells us and we will go to Him.
If we keep our eyes on other people,if those people are lost we too will be lost,but if we keep our eyes on Jesus, staying connected to Him and for Him to be our Teacher,we cannot be lost.
Spend time in prayer and seek God with all your heart not just praying for the record.
Seek Jesus, He’s alive and He’s the only real God who answers us when we call.
Jesus will start to teach you and guide you.
Be obedient to Jesus because obedience is better than sacrifice.
Jesus teaches you how you must live because He wants to save you.
If you do not obey the Holyspirit you will persish not because God is unkind but because you made your own choice.
Look to Jesus only.
Jesus gave me a vision that I was trying to escape a flood that had covered the earth, and trying to ascend a staircase to go up to where the Lord was….
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— September 17, 2022
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