The Lord showed me a vision of His wrath coming to fall on all prosperity gospel preachers.Anyone who just preaches about prosperity but never condemns sin or tells the people about the need for repentance.It was so terrifying.Indeed judgement begins in the house of God.Lets preach the whole truth of God’s word and not want to please people.And let’s pray for God to change these people that He is currently angry with.It was a terrifying vision.The Lord said these people know the whole truth but are not preaching it because they have chosen popularity.
If you only preach about prosperity and you never tell the people about the need for repentance and the reality of Heaven and hell,am here to tell you that you are a false prophet,even thought you may deny it.It doesnt matter if God is using you to perform mighty miracles,as long as you are not preaching the full counsel of God,you are a false prophet.The Lord says,if you had stood in His presence you would have turned His people away from sin (Jeremiah 23:22) Repent and speak the truth while there’s still time.
Jeremiah 23:9-32
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