People always wonder how they find them selves always in the sin of adultery and fornication and blame themselves or become too shy to open up to be prayed for. I want u to know it’s not you. Don’t blame or condemn yourself. The devil makes it look like it’s so hard to abstain.know this, whatever happens to you has a spiritual backing.even your emotions .ever wondered why from nowhere you just start having cravings for immorality? I saw demons flying among people at waist level and they were playing with people’s genitals. The people where not aware of it…..but suddenly they just started feeling like masturbating or fornicating.
Be encouraged, whenever you feel like that,it’s the devil trying to pull u down to hell. the bible says submit to God,resist the devil and he shall flee from you James 4v7, psalms
42:1 As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. There are two reasons why a dear pants for the water,1 because it’s thirsty second,because it’s in danger. It smells wen it’s fur is the predators can find it no matter where it hides because of its,when it’s being chassed,it knows there’s only one way out,find a river and jump into it,when this is done,the enemy won’t find it,the scent goes. run to Jesus! resist that devil! The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and are safe proverbs 18v10.also close every door of immorality like worldly music sercular t.v and pornography and give yourselves wholly to Jesus,only then will you overcome those demons
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