Am sharing this part so some people will understand the nature of the call of God which is on my life and on Zipporah's life.
Below is a prophetic message received from a servant of God regarding my ministry.The Lord had earlier given Zipporah and I the same message personally.
Received on 31/08/15
"God says He will use you for a new move,one that has never been seen,something different.
God will reveal mysteries to you,things hard to understand.
I saw a scroll,like in the book of revelations,it requires a key to unlock.
The things God will be revealing to you will require a key to unlock,they will be hard to understand."
Just like the Lord had promised,the things He's been showing us have been extremely hard to understand for many.
The key that can unlock these mysteries is the Holy Spirit.
Seek Him in prayer if something is hard for you to comprehend,He's faithful to reveal the truth to you.
This is God's will for us and we have a responsibility to speak as we are shown,no matter how hard or impossible something may seem to the human eye.
Let every man be a liar but God be true.
It's not for me or Zipporah to argue with God if He discloses things that are hard to comprehend.
We believe God because He never goes against His word and He's never inaccurate,whatever He says is as He says it is.
A lot of people have been condemning my sister for naming one of the demon incarnates.
My sister,my husband and I were praying months ago,and the Lord exposed many celebrities both African and global who are not human but demons in desguise.
The Lord not only told us but showed them to us.
Among them are Kim Kardeshian and her siblings,nigerian actresses Patience Ozwokor,Ini Edo,and Tonto Dikeh,the American first family etc just to name a few.The Lord showed us many but I just chose to mention these.
The Lord didn’t say they are demons because of their lifestyle or dressing.I ve seen some demons that dress very decent and pretend to be children of God.
The Lord said they are demons because that's what they are.Its got nothing to do with their lifestyle.
The reason we ve been mentioning a few names is so that you ll know how real this is.
You can search for my post on my time line titled "The mystery of demons in human flesh" for further understanding on this as well as for biblical reference.
The demons in human desguise really don't want to be disclosed but we will shout it out even louder.
I have come face to face with death countless times just because satan wants my sister and I to shut up but Jesus has shown me just how powerless satan is and how he has no say over my life.
Am not writing this to make you believe anything,that's a personal choice.Am writing this to fulfill my responsibility of what God had revealed to us on this topic.
The rest of the work is for the Holy Spirit.
And the Lord has promised to show us even more shocking things.
And we will keep sharing them no matter how hard to understand they may be.
Jesus told us,"some of the things I ll show you ll seem so strange that people will think you are crazy but don't ever be silent.Do not be embarrassed of speaking what I show you no matter how strange it may seem.Keep speaking everything I show you."
So I have shared this so that all who follow our posts should be ready to read very hard to understand revelations that Jesus has in store for us all.
We will keep sharing them no matter how hard they are to understand because if you seek God the Holy Spirit will unlock the mysteries to you.
We cannot run away from this or divert and only begin to share what everyone else is also being shown.Thats the easy way,to ignore the hard ones that aren't popular and only share the popular revelations.
That will make many people happy but it will make God really unhappy.
It's better to be faithful to God.
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