Colossians 2:15 "He disarmed all principalities and powers, and put them to Public shame, triumphing over them in it."
The Lord showed me the cross of calvary in a vision. I saw the devil moving to and fro about the cross, looking very very frustrated and disturbed. He was moving angrily and looking at the cross as if he had no hope of ever succeeding.
Then I saw what he was looking at. I saw the cross and on the piece of wood were the words 'King of the Jews' had been written,there were the words 'PAID IN FULL' written instead. I also saw two huge Angels at either side of the cross with swords. As they watched the frustrated devil,they laughed at him repeatedly because they knew there was nothing he could do to reverse what the Lord had done!
Now that everything is already paid,we should know that the Lord will grant us whatever we ask for in his name. Everything is ours and we are jewels on the crown of God.
The Lord told me that Heaven and earth are at our command. Just as the scripture says that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed on earth. These scriptures are not just theory! What are we waiting for? Lets walk in the power that the Lord has given us.
The Lord showed me a Christian before a big crowd. I saw her commanding lightening to come down from Heaven. This was for a purpose,to show people the power of God. I saw the lightening coming with force from Heaven and it struck at the same point she had commanded it to land.
This is just like in 1 Kings 18 when Elijah called down fire from Heaven. I looked and saw that it was during broad day light when this happened and the sky was even blue and the sun was even shining! The Lord had done that to prove his power and to show that she was sent by him. This is the amount of power waiting for the children of God and even greater,if only we are willing to surrender our all to him. Surrendering all means letting him take total control over every aspects of our lives. It also means trusting him enough to allow him make the plans for our lives. If we seek him, all these things will begin to happen because we will be one with him. 1 John 4:17 says, "As He is, so are we in this world. This scripture is so very powerful! It means that we are exactly like him in this world. These are not just stories or something we should read and not claim for our lives.
The Lord wants to bring a revival once again upon the earth. He wants to raise up his army army and his army is not one which fears the devil. Another day of Pentecost .He said greater works than these shall you do. This can be achieved through prayer because prayer changes us. This is the prayer of Jesus in John 17, that we may be one with him.
The Lord told me that the more time we spend in his presence,the more we'll be like him such that the devil will no longer see us but will see Jesus when he looks at us.
Kathryn Khulman said, "God is not looking for sliver vessels,he is not looking for golden vessels. God is looking for yielded vessels."
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