Look at these trees in the picture,they may look similar from a distance but once you look at their fruit, you will see they are different trees,one is a lemon the other an orange.
You will never be mistaken in knowing a tree once you look at it’s fruit.
It is the same in the spirit.
A child of God produces godly fruit in every area of their life,a child of satan produces evil fruit!
There’s no middle ground with Jesus.
It’s either you are completely His and bear only good fruit,or you do not belong to Him.
You cannot bear both bad and good fruit.If you are a good tree, where are the bad fruit coming from?
You cannot be holy and yet unholy at the same time.
A mango tree will be known by it’s fruit that it’s a mango tree.
A tree can only have mixed fruit if another type of tree has been grafted into it!
If satan is grafted into a person who once belonged to Christ then that person begins to bear fruit of satan but Jesus leaves because He is a jealous God and will not share you with satan.
Bad fruit shows that that’s a bad tree,same way oranges show that that’s an orange tree.
An orange tree and a lemon tree may look so similar but once you look at the fruit,you will know what tree it really is!
You cannot claim to be holy in your heart yet bearing unholiness on the outside.
If your heart is holy you will bear fruits of righteousness bringing glory to your heavenly Father.
You will not bear fruit bringing ridicule to God’s holy name.
If you are a child of God,no you will not bear bad fruit.
You will bear only good fruit both inside and outside.
Satan has been sinning from the beginning and unrighteousness is natural and normal to him.
When he is in a person,they will also naturally bear unrighteousness.
God is holy and holiness is what is natural to Him.
When God is in a person,they naturally bear righteousness as fruit.
To become a child of God,you cannot continue to hold on to unrighteous fruit,prune it off and be separate for Jesus alone!
Matthew 12:33
“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.”
1John 3:8
“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
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