There are demons that look exactly like the cartoons and that's no coincidence.
They are made by people who are serving satan.
The Lord told me they make them just to capture people's souls to hell.
The Lord has shown me demons that look like cartoon characters countless times and today when praying,He showed them to me again.
I saw a demon from a children's cartoon barbie movie.
When I saw it,it was mocking people because they think it's just a cartoon and they don't know it's actually a demon.
I have previously shared on several cartoons that the Lord showed me were demons.
But Jesus Christ told me it's not just the ones He showed me that are demonic but many more,in fact the majority of them are actual demons.
The Lord told me they are made not to entertain but to take people to hell.
That's why the Lord Jesus said He doesn’t want His children watching non christian movies,music and cartoons.
They are spiritual sleeping pills to make you forget about God and lead you to hell.
Some of the cartoons the Lord revealed to me are barbie,(which I have seen on several occasions),pixel pinkie,Ben 10,Avatar,the Little Mermaid,Beauty and the beast (Walt Disney version),Cinderella(Walt Disney version),Scoobie doo.
They were made by the satanic kingdom just to lead people to hell and put demons in children.
The Lord said He doesn't want us watching non christian movies and cartoons because it's Satan's bait to get our souls.
If you still watch them repent and ask God for forgiveness.Ask Him to help you overcome the urge to watch worldly programs.
You cannot love the world and Jesus at the same time.
You will love one and hate the other.
Sercular TV is filled with things that will grieve the Holyspirit.
Sometimes when watching the Holyspirit will convict you but as you ignore Him and keep watching,you will stop hearing His conviction and it will all be normal to you.
Those programs no matter how innocent they may look,they are not innocent but just bait to get your soul.
satan knows that Jesus is coming really soon and so he's giving you those sleeping pills so that you will be like the foolish virgins who slumbered and didn't have oil in their lamps.
Nothing is worth losing your soul for.A half surrender is no surrender.
Let go of the world completely and become God's wholly.
He is a jealous God and will not share you with satan.
Most of the cartoons are drawn in demons images.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— February 21, 2016
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