I have summerised below how we must prepare for the rapture.These are direct quotations on some things Jesus emphasised on how we can be ready during one visitation of the Lord. The Holy Spirit who is our true friend is our teacher.He guides us into all truth.(John 16:13),He's the one who empowers us and helps us in our walk with God.These are just some highlights on how to prepare. The Lord said, "Keep your eyes on me. Let my word never leave your mouth! Read my word morning, evening, night, read my word! Live my word. Prepare now! Pray without ceasing. Fast! Fast I say. Pray and fast. Preach my word. Watch and pray. Check your robes every day. It will be worth it. It will be more than worth it I tell you. The reward will be more than worth it I tell you. " tell everyone your King is coming.
Tell them all,let them all know am coming.Let them all know am Holy.Let them know am Holy.Let them know without holiness no one will see Me.
Tell them Jesus Christ is a Holy God.Jesus Christ is not a worldly God.Which Jesus do you have?I tell you,I tell you, I am Holy, I say this, this is the truth,am Holy,Holy,Holy,Holy is My name!
I want holiness My children,from your hearts,to your mind,to your speech,to your character,your behavior,your dressing,your conduct,everyth
ing,Holiness.Let holiness clothe you like a robe.I tell you,don’t be deceived,don’t be deceived,I am the Lord your God and I say this;without holiness not one person,not one Pastor,not one Bishop,not one Archbishop,not anybody will see Me.I tell you,wether they prophesy,wether they heal the sick,wether they pray, they fast, without holiness no man will see Me.
Therefore I tell you, preach holiness,tell them holiness is required,before they can prepare in any other way,tell them they just have to be holy, they just have to be like their creator.From the little children,little little little children.Am saying,little, did you hear Me?Do not neglect them.Am telling you,little little children,little little children,am telling you, Am talking about 4 year olds,tell them,holiness,3 year olds,holiness,let them grow knowing holiness is important,is what will get them into My Kingdom.Before they can prepare in any other way,tell them they just haveto be holy.They just have to be like their creator." 1 Peter 1:16" because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."
Prepare for the coming of our Holy King . Jesus Christ is coming right now.Time is up.Seek God,pray and fast,don't slumber off into sleep,read the Bible like it's the air you breath.Dont just read the bible but LIVE the bible.Live a holy life,get rid of all sin and cry out to God everyday in prayer and ask Him to help you.Without Jesus you ll never overcome.You need to be constantly connected to to Jesus Christ,let the life of God flow in you till you are like Jesus.Keep your eyes on Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit. Satan comes only to steal,kill,and destroy but Jesus came so that you might have life in abundance.(John 10:10).Choose Jesus now while you have time.Submit to God and reject the devil.(James 4:7)Check your robes daily and pray without ceasing.Without Jesus you are nothing.Seek Him daily.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— June 9, 2016
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