Romans 10:14 "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?"
Hi friends,I'm going to share a revelation the Lord gave me about the importance of evangelism and how He showed me that anyone who doesn't evangelise has no place in heaven and the reason why. This is not for anyone's condemnation but for our salvation so that we can correct our lives if we're currently not evangelising or used to evangelise but abandoned it.
The time is around 01:00 Am and I have just woken up from a terrifying revelation of hell. It is something I did not expect to have. I found myself out of my body as I slept and I was standing in my room. I noticed that there seemed to be a big hole on the floor of my room.
At that point, I was confused and I did not know what was happening. I started walking slowly towards the hole as I was confused why there was a hole in my room. I did not realise that I was having a revelation and I thought it was real life as everything seemed exactly as it seems in real life.
As I got close to the hole,I looked down to see what was inside and I was still puzzled as to why there was a hole in my room. When I looked on my bed,I could see that my body was in a sleeping position and was facing toward the wall and I realised that I had come out of my body.
What I saw when I looked down that hole I'll never forget in all my life.
I saw that down below in this dark hole were sooooooooo many people that they were even piled on top of each other both men and women from all races. All of these people were naked.
Then I heard a voice of someone I could not see saying, "There is a world down below where people are suffering like animals. Satan wants to keep this world a secret. He doesn't want people to know about it or how to avoid going there because he wants them there."
I was shocked at the scene! I saw that the eyes of these people were rolled upwards so that only the whites showed due to pain. The eye pupils could not be seen. They were failing to scream due to the unbelievable amount of pain and the only sounds of screaming they could produce was like that of a pig being strangled . What I saw and heard was unspeakable. Even saying they were screaming like strangled animals does not suffice. Far far from it. Even saying that it was horrifying seems like a joke. No words in this world can be close to describing their pain and torment.
Their tongues were white due to pain and they were sticking out of their mouths as they screamed. Their bodies looked badly injured as if gashed by knives and their bodies were wet due to body juices from their rotting flesh. Their flesh was rotten and it was chunking off on its own. Their bodies were also covered in tiny white worms and their eyes were popping out due to shock and they were exploding as they burnt.
I noticed that their tongues began shivering violently and right before my eyes, their tongues exploded into thousands of little worms! What surprised me however is that the worms still maintained the shape the shape of the tongue and they were in layers in their thousands.
I did not see Jesus or Angel but an understanding came to me through the Holy Spirit that these people were being punished in hell for two things. Firstly, they did not evangelise to the lost as commanded in the word. Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Secondly, they were being punished for speaking unkindly to others hence the punishment on their tongues which were exploding into worms.
James 3:9-11 "With the tongue we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?"
They did not use their tongues to evangelise and they used them to speak badly to others. We need to pray for the Lord to change us and help us to do His will and He is willing to help us.
I was terrified by what I had seen and I saw that I went about telling about telling everyone I meet about it so as to warn them because it was so horrible beyond any words.
I saw myself telling someone I know in real life (name withheld) and he said, "Nooooo,you're exaggerating. God is a Father. He can't take someone to such a place and besides,it is not even possible for such a place to exist with such kind of torture and the kind of pain you're talking about. You're exaggerating! OK, even you if you do something wrong. Can your Father burn you in fire or make you go through such torture?"
Then I understood that those are Satan's lies. Satan lies to people with such reasoning so that they should let their guard down and not live a holy life. The Bible shows that God is a God of love but also shows that He is a God who punishes sin. Hebrews 12:29 "Our God is a consuming fire"
Satan lies to people that God is one sided. He rewards righteousness but He also rewards sin with punishment.
The bible says we'll reap what we sow. Galatians 6:7-8 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."
After that revelation, I was completely horrified and I felt a knot in my stomach as if I had a running stomach. I was feeling nauseous and shivering from fear.
Not evangelising is a sin because people are being forever doomed in hell while they could have been saved had we shared the gospel that we know with them.
Just a few days ago here in my country, someone was arrested for not calling for help for some people in a burning truck. The man happened to be on the scene when the truck was burning and instead of calling for help,he began taking videos for sharing on social media. He was arrested because he was in the position to call for help but he did not. He was not the one who caused the truck to burn but he was in a position to have them saved but he did not use that position. It is the same with evangelism. We're not the ones who cause people to sin but we have a message that can help them repent and be saved and if we do not share that message, we too will be punished in hell fire just like that man who is being punished.
This revelation is for our correction and not condemnation.
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