We ve heard the words countless times.
From childhood if we were born in christian communities,till now we keep hearing them,"Jesus is coming.Get ready."
And for many of us they are beginning to lose meaning.
But the fact is;Jesus Christ is really coming back.Are you ready to meet Him?
How will you feel if after hearing about His coming and the need to prepare countless times,you are still found living in sin?
The coming of the Lord is near,it's at the door,it's right now.
He doesn't wish for any to perish and that's why He keeps warning us.
Do not be as those who turn away from the Lord at the last minute only to live in eternal regret.
The Lord told me something very important a few days ago.
He said;"unless you are in constant prayer,you will not be ready when I come."
The truth is all of us are absolutely nothing without Jesus.We can do absolutely nothing without Him.
That's why we need to be in constant fellowship with Him if we want to be ready to meet Him.
Just as a branch is lifeless when disconnected from a tree,we too cannot live holy when not connected to Jesus through prayer.
Human efforts to live holy are totally futile.
We need to completely depend on Jesus.
When we realise how much we need Him,we ll invest more time in our relationship with Him.
Be like little children.Ask Jesus to help you live holy,to pray more,to love Him more,etc.Ask Jesus for everything.Thats what He desires.We need His help for everything.
Ask for His help and be willing to follow.He ll never force you to obey,the choice is still yours.
The bible says pray without ceasing.The more you pray,the harder it becomes for you to live in sin and the less you pray,the more sin becomes normal and obedience to God begins to seem like a burden.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,today,and forevermore.
He wants Holiness.Hes only coming back for the holy.
Recently the Lord has been speaking to me alot about His coming.
In a vision He showed me we have very little time left.Time is already up.
Many people had given their lives to Jesus and rejected worldliness but now many are going back because they want to be like everyone else,they want to be normal.
The moment the rapture happens is the moment you ll realise how worthless the things that took you to the world really were.You ll cry till you and you ll beg for forgiveness to no avail.It ll be too late.
Do you know how much the human soul is worth?
Nothing in the whole universe could buy the human soul,it took the life of God Himself just to buy your soul.
After that great sacrifice ll God forgive you for exchanging your soul with one more worldly movie?one moment of sinful pleasure in fornication or adultery?one more time of wearing indecent clothes just to please your flesh?Despite all the warnings calling you to repentance?Will God excuse you when that moment comes?For treating His sacrifice for you like something common and exchanging it with all those sinful things?
I tell you,you ll see clearly that day and you will see what a fool you ve been to ignore the one who loves you so much.
It's your soul we are talking about,if you die in sin it's YOU who ll go to hell . It's not that person who was telling you its okay to use makeup,smoke,commit fornication etc.Dont look for what's pleasing to your flesh,look for the truth.The truth is what ll save you.But if you look for that person who ll comfort you in your sin,know that its still YOU who ll cry and gnash in the fires of hell without hope forever.Seek God while He may be found.
Cry to the Lord now,humble yourself and ask for His rebuke,His correction.
Ask Jesus to search your life and it's YOU who ll be saved.Ask for the Holyspirit.Make sure your robes are without spot or wrinkle.Not by might or by power but by the Spirit of God.
Get ready for the rapture.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
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