The lord Jesus is saying…..
Very soon wearing earrings either on one ear or both ears will become a fashion among pastors. Anyone who will be wearing these uses satanic powers just like anyone who is bracelets of any type in their church right now. They have given these bracelets all kinds of names to make them seem Innocent. But they are from alters and they give these pastors satanic powers.it will be the same with these earnings. They will give them all sorts of names to fit within the boundaries of God's word. E.g. earing of blessing etc.
My children are watching secular TV thinking they’ll repent just before they die or that they will stop later. Tell them that it is the devil speaking directly to their minds and hearts. He is deceiving them so that they can die in their sins. How do they know by which means of death they will die for them to say they will repent just before they die? What if they die in a flash with no chance to repent? Tell them not to take me for granted! Let them love me with all their hearts and not be undecided. Someone who really loves me with all their hearts repents and amends their ways. Anyone who loves their lives knows the truth but they do not obey it. When they see death nearby, they say words of repentance to me. I’ll not hear their prayer because they are not truly sorry but because they have seen death and are scared of going to hell.it is the same with those in hell. They cry for mercy saying they repent not because they are truly sorry but because they are in pain and want to get away from it. Anyone who truly loves me obeys me. Tell them that any voice that tells them to do contrary to what is in my word is the voice of the devil. Anyone who tells them not to do what I say is being used by the devil.
Even a simple thing like gossiping can take you to hell. Don’t talk about your brothers and sisters in the lord, don’t talk about other people. Mind your own business. If you see someone in the wrong talk to them and pray for them. Don’t keep silent when you see someone sinning. If you love them, you’d rather they are hurt by you correcting them here on earth than them going to hell for eternity.
The devil has now invented Christian movies to capture Christians since they have moved from secular TV. The devil sends his demons in human form and human satanic agents to act these movies in order to trap Christians. These movies will have the title Christian movie but will have unholy things such as worldly music among, depicting things like drinking and kissing as NOT SINS as well as worldly beats of gospel music wearing of trousers by women etc. He who loves himself obeys his thoughts but he that loves me obeys my commands.
When demons in human form pretend to pray, they actually say the opposite of what they say in the spirit and do enchantments.
Demons lie to you that you’ll repent just before you die. You won’t get that chance.in a snap of a finger, you can be gone! Repent now (when Jesus said this, he cried in agony and he fell to his knees with his hands touching the ground, he spread out his hands in front of him and said the following words) “I humble myself before you with all my heart and all that I am please come to me. Don’t you know Satan only comes to steal, kill and destroy? Can’t you see that I am the only one that wants to save you?
There is no safety in the world but in the cross, be determined to come to me in heaven.
Because of not being patient about waiting on God for marriage Many people are regretting now and some have even married devil agents who will do anything to bring them down and take them to hell. Many people say that this guy or this girl is crazy about me! But they are not crazy about you; they are crazy about silencing the call of God on your life and taking you to hell. Demons and devil agents never give up, they would rather die trying to get you to hell, so don’t be weak – by angel Gabriel.
Pray harder than ever before and get rid of anything that belongs to the devil that is in your possession. Give him no reason to accuse you for he is the accuser of brethren. Let your light shine forth and shine on the darkness. Don’t cover your light, the light of your salvation. Go out and bring the world to me, the lame, the blind, the leper, children bring them all to me. For I’ll not cast them out.
Miracles and other spiritual gifts won’t save anyone. Someone can be the greatest prophet on earth but end up in hell. You wonder why they are still able to perform miracles. It’s because I honor my word. I said I only want a willing heart. I am tied to my word. Don’t be afraid of warning anyone. At least give them a chance to make their own choice. Those people in hell thought they could combine Christianity with the world. You have to be separate. You can’t live both.
Those people in hell were all normal people like you. They were not a different kind of species.no. They were all normal people like you and lived a normal life on earth. They went to church on Sunday, prayed, worshiped and talked about me like you do now. I gave them various warnings like I give you people now. But they played with holiness. They felt they could choose which parts of holiness to obey and left some out thinking they would obey them later. You are not the author of your own life and you don’t decide when to die. Keep your garments holy today and always so that the devil will not claim you .when you die in sin, I cannot help you. Only what is HOLY goes into my kingdom. Tell my children not to take for granted their chances to repent because anytime, death can claim their lives. Please don’t break my heart by joining those voices crying in hell.
There are many people going to hell and that’s why the great commission is for everyone.am begging you, DO NOT STOP EVANGELISING. I don’t want anyone to have artificial eye lashes but BE THE WAY YOU ARE MADE. Don’t put on neck chains; don’t paint your nails, lips and eyelids. Don’t use artificial eye lashes. Why don’t you make your own human beings and put on them fake eye lashes! Don’t put on fake nails, don’t wear trousers (women) for it is defiling to my temple. The wigs are from the devil’s head. I gave you hair to wear not wigs.BE THE WAY YOU ARE. Many people will not believe you and will even quote a lot of scripture to discredit your testimony; people will think you are mad.
How do you feel when you wear high heeled shoes? anything that gives you pride is bad, even if its shoes. Pride will take you to hell.
Don’t mock people because they are poor or how foolish they seem to be or the way they talk, walk or their accent. No accent is superior to the other. It’s the devil that makes you think like that.
Sometimes when you sin, you will not feel like you are sinning, so it’s important to always obey the lord or else you will not go to heaven. If I reveal something is sin, my children should not be expecting to feel a conviction in their heart when they do it after knowing that it is a sin. Some people know that doing something is a sin and yet they do it and say “when doing it, I didn’t feel in my heart like I was sinning .so, the lord must have changed his mind about it” I DON’T CHANGE,SIN WILL ALWAYS BE SIN I NEVER CHANGE TO PLEASE ANYONE.
The devil uses satanic signs found in the things watched on T.V to observe your life if he could not have easy access to a person’s life because of their Christian status. Women, get rid of your idols (artificial hair, make up etc.) And you will begin to understand deep mysteries you never knew before.
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