Revelation 13:16-18 "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The Lord showed me in a vision, a small part of the tribulation.What I saw shocked me.I saw people who were refusing to take the mark of the beast being tortured in the most horribly unimaginable and inhumane ways.But what shocked me most was what the demons were doing.
They despise human beings so much to the core and all they have is 100% hatred for the human race.To show an example to those who were still alive and were refusing to take the mark of the beast,the demons were getting the dead bodies of those who had died without taking the mark of the beast.They knew they had been saved and so were trying to be cruel even to their dead bodies.I saw them getting their dead bodies and using them as manure in large farms they had cultivated.
They were showing even those who were still alive but did not want to take the mark of the beast that they despised them all and they meant nothing to them.I was shocked at such acts.
I saw a lot of farms with different kinds of crops all guarded and cultivated by the demons.They were in charge and could be physically seen by human eyes after the Rapture.From those farms,they got the food which they put under strict supervision.Even other services in the world were under the control of the beast.Only if you accept the mark of the beast will you access them.Previously in one of my posts,the Lord had even said that right now,the devil is creating weapons and instruments for torture. He said that he is making Instruments that people have never even imagined before. Are you willing to go through such sufferings if you are not right with the Lord? Do not be deceived for God is not mocked.What a man sows,that he will reap.
Pray everyday without ceasing.Life on earth is serious business and it should never be taken lightly.Our souls are more important than our earthly bodies made out of clay.We should be putting more into the bank of heaven by seeking the face of the Lord. Invest into your eternity by obeying the whole counsel of God and save your precious soul!
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