"Enter by the Narrow gate;for wide is the gate that leads to destruction,and there are many that go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and few find it," Matthew 7:13.
I was praying with my sister Rachael when the Lord opened my eyes in the Spirit and I saw a vision. I saw someone with fake nails on their hands but these fake nails appeared to have been dipped in blood. Then the voice of the Lord spoke to me saying, do you see this? Many people who are innocent are getting initiated into Satanism through these fake nails. Just by using them, they are finding themselves initiated and working for Lucifer. Tell the world to forsake all idols and follow after me with all their hearts.
Luke 10:27 says,"thou shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,with all your strength,and with all your mind. "
All these worldly things which come between our relationship with our God are idols. "For to be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God,"James 4:4.
Then the Lord has also been telling us that many of what people think are takeaway foods are actually Human meat or babies. The Lord said that they also put spells in the same food to make people lazy in prayer. After eating that food, you will develop laziness in prayer and they will use that opportunity to destroy your Christian journey.
He showed me the name of a very famous multi national takeaway company and told me that they turn babies into Chicken and sell it as take away.
They want to make people eat Human meat because they God it displeases God. It is a defiance against the Lord because they know he doesn't like it and also want to pollute Humans. Prayer and sanctification of food is very important because the Lord can turn it into real food when you pray and also destroy the spells. To live in ignorance is to be defeated because then all their schemes will work against us.
Jesus also took me in the spirit to a mortuary and made me stand just out side the door. He wanted me to watch what would happen. I saw four men holding a sack, two on one side and two on the other side. The door of the mortuary was open and I could see the refridgerators. As these men walked out,they seemed to be carrying something heavy and since they were from a mortuary, I thought they were carrying a dead body.
When I looked onto the sack, I saw all pieces of chicken, drum sticks,chicken breasts etc and blood was even dripping from them onto the sack! I was so alarmed and no words came out of my mouth. As I looked, another group of four men also passed with the same on their sacks. Then I saw them packaged in refrigerators in shopping places.
The Lord does not tell us these things just for our information. He tells us these things so that we can pray against them and destroy the work of the devil, 1 John 3:8. The Lord informs us so that these schemes of the devil may not work against us for to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
We should never take the journey to Heaven lightly but we should always fill our lives with so much prayer even as the Bible says, submit to God,resist the devil and he will flee from you. The Holy Spirit reveals that to submit is to pray and to bend to God's will. To allow the will of God to subdue our will. To resist is to undo the work of the devil. Resist whatever the devil pushes your way and when he sees that none of his schemes are working, he will flee from you.
Shalom Shalom!
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