The Worshippers of the devil whom the whole world is following have finally come out in the open.They are longer hiding that they worship Baal.
The Temple will be situated in Times Square in the City of New York.This is on CBN News and I have posted the Link below for those who want to read the full story.
They said, "Some of the rituals include Adults gathering around the Altar.Then infants will be burnt alive on the altar.In the midst of the horrific screams and the stench of burnt human flesh,Men and Women will engage in Sexual Orgies.This is meant for Baal to bring the rain of economic Prosperity on Mother Earth."
As the Lord said in my Post entitled THE GREAT EVIL,New York is lifting the devil high because it is the source of worldly dressing,worldly movies,worldly music and all kinds of abominations.
Any one who is putting make up earring,hair
attachments,painting lips,nails,tweezing eyebrows etc is worshipping the devil.Any man putting different hairstlyes in the head is doing the same.
The woman who did this in the bible was Jezebel.She introduced the Worship of Baal.Jezebel used to paint her face and arrange her hair in worldly fashions.God fed her to the dogs.Anyone following Jezebel and New York will be fed to Hell,Isaiah 5:14.
New York,the City of Celebrities decides the Fashions of the world.Everyone follows them.Even some hairstyles have been named after Celebrities for example the Rihanna hairstyle.
Now they are telling you that it is Baal they are worshipping.Anyone following them is worshipping Baal and heading to hell. Matthew 15:14 says if the blind lead the blind,they'll both fall into a ditch.That ditch is called the Pit of hell!
Anyone doing these worldly things is partaking in the Worship of Baal.1 John 2:16 says,"For all that is in this world -the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes,and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of this world."
It is not surprising that they are erecting a Temple and proudly calling it the Temple of Baal.Jesus is coming any minute so these are the signs of the end.
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