2 Thessalonians 2: 7 "The Mystery of lawless is already at work. Only He who is restraining it will do so until he is taken out of the way."
There will soon come a time when the words in the Bible will no longer have effect for someone in need. When the Rapture has happened, the Holy Spirit will leave this earth and even if you pray, no one will answer you. There will be no more Prophecies. No more comforting words from the Holy Spirit. No more inner peace. There will be no more Revelations, no more visions.
The Bible says the Holy Spirit is our comforter, counselor, teacher, our guide. But then, none of these will have effect because He would have left the earth. Who will now teach you the right way to follow? who will now reveal to you what the devil is doing?
Verses in the Bible will lose their meaning over you if you remain in the rapture.
James 5:14 says "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the Church and let them pray over him,anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord . And the prayer of faith will save the sick." But at that time,no matter how many times you pour oil on yourself, you will just end up getting wet clothes and there will be no Holy Spirit to heal you.
There will be no more peace.
The Lord told me that even the peace that people feel right now is as a result of the Holy Spirit. You feel peace such that you are even able to take a nap, you are able to feel the breeze when its Hot and God takes care of us. When you want to think, you just go by a stream and clear your head. When its too cold, you just keep warm and you are content.All these are gifts from the Lord although we do not realise it. At that time, you will freeze to death in a prison cell full of decaying bodies. Even the food you eat will be decided for you. The amount of water you drink will be measured.
The Bible says,
"Be strong and take courage;do not fear for the Lord will be with you everywhere you go" But at that time, the Lord will not be with you and you will shake with fear at the great tribulation.
Instead, there will be jubilating in Heaven over the marriage supper of the Lamb. The Lord will have his eyes only in his faithful bride and will be celebrating their coming home.
On earth, it will be a time of suffering as has never been since the beginning of the Earth and as shall never be again.
This time, you may look down on those who are Satanic agents but at that time, you yourself will worship the Beast openly and sacrifice the children you will have after the rapture to him like he created Heaven and Earth out of fear for what he can do to you.
If we can't overcome now when we even have the Holy Spirit, what makes us think we will overcome without the Holy Spirit? If we can't read the Bible now, what makes us think we will read the Bible when just touching the Bible costs us a hand?
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world.For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but of this world. And the world with all of its lusts is passing away but he who does the will of the Father will live forever.
Let us heed the peaceful warning of the Holy Spirit and get saved today for today and not tomorrow is the day of Salvation.
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