encouragement to His Evangelists, all those people
sharing the gospel. I saw a story building and Jesus
was at the top, on the ground floor there was a lift
and all kinds of people were using it to go up to the
building where Jesus was. I saw drunkards, idolaters,
fornicaters, adulterers, all kinds of sinful people; they
all wanted to meet Jesus.
And I noticed that once they went up to where Jesus
was,they were totally transformed!
It was as if they were no longer the same people.
I also saw people who drunk themselves to stupor, and
everyone in their communities said they would never
change. After they came from meeting Jesus, they were
different people!
There was a transformation and I saw this whole
group going one way praising God! They were so
joyful! They were shouting hallelujah and lifted up
their hands in praise! I then saw an evil spirit, a
demon that had been assigned to bring down a
particular man who used to be a drunkard.
This man used to drink himself to stupor and
everyone looked down on him but I had seen him
going up to Jesus this evil spirit was waiting for him.
It was accompanied by another demon and said, "we
have been sent to bring him down to hell!” The two
evil spirits waited near the lifts so they could catch
him on his way out, but I saw this man transformed
after meeting Jesus and he was a new person.
I also saw that these evil spirits had no power over
him after having an encounter with Jesus. He passed
right by them and they didn't even see him!
They kept waiting but this man went away praising
God! Everyone was praising God, but I saw the demons
waiting for anyone who would turn back so they could
capture them and make sure they end up in hell.
I then saw a sister who used to be very strong in the
Lord coming back, she turned back and started going
in the direction where these demons were.
The evil spirits were watching her, waiting for her.
she saw the demons and knew they were waiting for
her but just kept walking.
But when this lady realized that she was the only one
turning back, she saw that everyone was moving
foward,s he too turned and began moving forward
and praising God!
The vision ended.
If you have been sharing the gospel and have been
discouraged, please be encouraged that people will
change, they just need Jesus.Tell the people the truth and leave the choice to them.
The Lord Jesus Christ gave me a vision of
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— February 26, 2016
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