I had just come to the Lord and had been in prayer and fasting for some days seeking the Holyspirit baptism and more of God when I had my first encounter with Jesus Christ.
It was at this time that the Lord made known to me His plans for my life.
The responsibility that the Lord has given me is similar to the one He gave my sister Zipporah,and He gave these words to both of us.
This was on 6th January 2012.
Below are His words of commission to me.
He gave me Ezekiel 33 talking about the watchman.
He said,"Iam going to show you hell and heaven so that you will warn people to repent and escape from hell.
When I show you,I will require so much more from you because you have seen with your own eyes.
But do not be afraid because I will help you.
I have set you as a watchman to deliver messages of warning to My people.
I have so much to show you and so much to tell you,and you must speak of everything.
Do not fear anyone.Speak of all that i show you.
Many people will hate you,even many of your family members will hate you.But don't be afraid of losing anyone's love because My love will makeup for all the love they would have given you.My love is purer than gold!
Many will rise and oppose you,but don't be afraid.Don't be intimidated.
Speak what I show you.
Many will oppose you thinking they are doing God a service,they will even twist bible verses to condemn you, but you must be faithful to Me,don't ever be silent.
They will call you names,they will call you false prophets,many will even call you crazy because of the things I will show you.
But you must never be ashamed.Speak everything.Dont ever give up.I will never leave nor forsake you.If you do not tell the people the truth,I will require their blood at your hands.
I am going to show you alot of things about the Kingdom of darkness.
I will use you to expose satan's kingdom.
And I will show you much more than you even expect.
There will be many persecutions but don't ever give up because great is your reward.
You must never become proud or I will crush you.
I am with you always,don't ever give up no matter the opposition.
Today is the end of your personal life,from now own you will live for My glory.
31st August,2015.
"You are a seer and God shows you alot of visions.
God says He will reveal mysteries to you,things not easy to understand.
The revelations God will be giving you will not be easy to understand and require a key to unlock.
(The Holyspirit is the key . He's the one who makes us understand hidden things)
The Lord showed me a sealed scroll like the book of revelations that requires a key to unlock.
Many will not understand you.
God has called you for a new move,one that has never been seen,It's something different.
God also showed me that you will have a lot of interactions with angels and they will deliver messages to you.
You will see angels in a way that's so real and people will find it hard to believe and wonder like,"did she really see an angel?"
You will be an alarm for the church,God will be showing you on the courses,seasons,and plans of the kingdom of darkness so the church will know how to pray.
There will be no plan of the Kingdom of darkness that God will not reveal to you.
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