Your pastor never mentioning hell may bring temporal comfort to you,but it will in no way erase the existence of hell.
And your pastor mentioning hell is not what brings hell into existence.
People on earth don't like to be told about the existence of hell.
Yet this is when its most relevant, because you can still repent so that you don't end up there.
People in hell keep wishing that someone could preach repentance to them so that they don't end up in hell.
Even Jesus Christ warned people about hell.
But today's generation is so offended that preachers are now afraid of talking about hell for fear of being persecuted and losing members.
Even many preachers who know the truth are afraid to preach repentance of sin and the reality of hell,they only want to mention heaven,not hell.
But both places are very real.
Those same people who are being soothed by messages of earthly prosperity of owning houses,cars,marriage,children, promotion are going to wake up to the rude reality of hell.
What is a new car if you end up in hell?!!
What is that promotion going to mean to you if you end up in hell?!!
A lady I used to know was married and had lost her first child.
Because of that,she desperately wanted another child.
She finally had a baby but she died less than a month after her baby was born!
Another lady built a beautiful house, but shortly after,she died leaving her house.
Can you see how temporal earthly wealth is?
That is why Jesus doesn't want it to be our focus.
Its all temporal, but if you lose your soul you have lost it forever!
The most important message anyone can ever preach to you is a message of repentance from sin and accepting Jesus.
The bible says MANY are CALLED,but FEW are chosen.
Because many are willing to profess Christ and what He did for them on the cross,but few are willing to take up their cross and follow Jesus by living in obedience to Him.(Matthew 16:24-26)
Many are not willing to embrace Jesus for who He really is but just want to choose parts of His personality that suit them and thus they are serving a god of their own making.
They only want to accept that Jesus is loving, and that He's faithful and has promised to bless us,answer us,protect us,but they do not want to accept that the same Jesus who blesses us,protects us,loves us,is also holy and has asked us to be holy.
You either get the whole package or nothing.
You can receive blessings, provision, and protection from Jesus,but if you choose to remain in disobedience Jesus will tell you,"I never knew you "
And that will be shocking to you because this is the same Jesus who used you to prophesy and now He says He never knew you.This is the same Jesus who protected you when you were in danger and now He says He never knew you!
Imagine how heartbreaking that will be!
Because you remained in disobedience and only chose aspects of Jesus that suit you such as His ability to heal or provide, BECAUSE HE IS FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD and He has already promised to do these things,Jesus will honor His word and still manifest Himself to you by healing you,protecting you,giving you prophesy, but because of your disobedience, He will still say to you,"I never knew you" why? Because you are a worker of iniquity.
You never gave your life to God and only wanted to use Him to meet your specific needs.
"Not everyone who says to Me,'Lord,Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who DOES the will of My Father in heaven.
Many will say to Me in that day,'Lord,Lord have we not prophesied in Your name,cast out demons in Your name,and done many wonders in Your name?'
And then I will declare to them,'I never knew you,depart from Me,you who practice lawlessness!" Matthew 7:21-23
It is deception to think when we just confess Christ, without abandoning our sins then we are saved.
When you confess Christ, you join the many who are called, but the bible says few are chosen because only those living in obedience to Jesus are among the chosen.
Jesus isn't interested in us just claiming we are Christians, He wants us to be separate from the world and live for Him.
He is always willing to help us to live for Him.
We must be sober and vigilante.
Don't look for preachers who will only be telling you what your ears want to hear because you will keep jumping, and shouting out of excitement of "your coming blessings" and will only sober up in hell.
Once you are in hell you will be crying tears of repentance but it will be useless.
The time to shed tears of repentance is NOW because the door is still open.
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