There’s a difference between man’s forgiveness and God’s forgivness.
Men forgive but will remember the wrongs you did to them.
But when God forgives your sins,He completely forgets you ever did such a thing.
He washes you white as snow and doesn’t remember any of your past sins.
Sometimes people feel overwhelmed when they are struggling with sin because they keep falling and keep running back to Jesus and in the end they feel like they have asked for forgiveness “too much.”
They feel like they should just stay away from Jesus and only come back when they have overcome their sin.
They feel Jesus is tired of forgiving them.
Yet Jesus doesn’t get tired of forgiving you because as soon as He forgives you,He completely forgets about it as though you never ever sinned.
His blood covers your sins.
Don’t listen to Satan’s lie to stay away from Jesus till you overcome your sin on your own.
If you could overcome your sin on your own,Jesus wouldn’t have had to come and die for you.
If you feel so stuck in sin,you need Jesus even more!
Run to Him now because He’s the only One who can set you free from your sin.
Jesus doesn’t want you to keep going back to your sin.
However many are still in bondage and cannot break the cycle of sin.
Jesus is the solution.
Don’t stop praying till He sets you free.
Don’t feel like He’s tired of forgiving you.
That is a lie from satan,the accuser.
Jesus wants to forgive you.
If you say that you want to stay away from Jesus till you overcome on your own,that day will never come.
You will drown deeper in your sins till you are suffocated.
If you keep falling back in sin no matter how much you try,you must do prayer and fasting.
It will break your chains.
And make regular fasting a lifestyle.
Don’t feed the flesh, starve it and instead feed the spirit.
Hebrews 8:12
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”
Psalms 103:12
As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
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